Tag Archives: health effects

U.S. lawmakers move urgently to recognize survivors of the first atomic bomb test via National Geographic

By Lesley M.M. Blume […] The flakes were fallout from the Manhattan Project’s Trinity test, the world’s first atomic bomb detonation. It took place at 5:29 a.m. local time atop a hundred-foot steel tower 40 miles away at the Alamogordo Bombing … Continue reading

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First Cases of Throat Cancer Linked to Fukushima Nuclear Plant via Vice

By Hanako Montgomery Two men developed throat cancer after being employed at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, and one of them reportedly died from the illness—the first known cases of the condition linked to working at the site. The unnamed men, … Continue reading

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Radioactive snakes may monitor Fukushima fallout via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

[…] “Because snakes don’t move that much, and they spend their time in one particular local area, the level of radiation and contaminants in the environment is reflected by the level of contaminants in the snake itself,” Hannah Gerke, a … Continue reading

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Children’s Teeth, Collected Decades Ago, Can Show the Damage of Nuclear Testing via History News Network (Portside)

Lawrence Witner and Joseph Mangano In 2020, Harvard University’s T. C. Chan School of Public Health began a five-year study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, that will examine the connection between early life exposure to toxic metals and later-life … Continue reading

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Radiation Exposure Compensation Act – RECA – SPECIAL: Time Running Out for Downwinders of Trinity, Nuke Tests, Uranium Miners – NH #526 via Nuclear Hotseat

Listen Here: Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Podcast: Download This Week’s SPECIAL Featured Interviews: Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) was enacted by Congress in 1990 to provide one-time benefits to persons who have likely developed cancer or … Continue reading

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High court rules 84 A-bomb ‘black rain’ victims eligible for aid via The Mainichi

HIROSHIMA (Kyodo) — A Japanese high court ruled Wednesday that 84 people in Hiroshima Prefecture are eligible to receive state health care benefits even though they were exposed to radioactive “black rain” following the 1945 U.S. atomic bombing outside an … Continue reading

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Uproar Over Japan’s Decision to Disperse Radioactive Fukushima Waste Water via Counterpunch

By John LaForge Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s Cabinet on April 13 “gave permission” to Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) to release over 1.25 million metric tons (1.38 million US tons) of Fukushima’s radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Harsh … Continue reading

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The Forgotten Faces of the Atomic Lie/核の嘘の忘れられた顔via Beyond Nuclear/Beyond Nuclear International

Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11 核の物語の最初の始まり、ウラン鉱山から加工、発電、放射性廃棄物処分まで、世界中の被害者の顔と「核の嘘」 2021年4月29日に開催されたNEC2021(https://www.nec2021.eu/en/) 主催のウェビナー、「核の嘘を解体する方法」での、NGO Beyond Nuclear(核を超えて)のリンダ・ペンツ・ガンターさんのパワフルなスピーチです。彼女のスピーチに多くの被害当事者たちが涙しました。ぜひご視聴ください。 See also Nuclear Energy Conference 2021 ◇Keynote by Alex Rosen: Playing down the Risks of Atomic Energy ◇Albena Simeonova: Eastern Europe – a Perfect Playground for Nuclear Stakeholders ◇Eva Stegen: Refurbished … Continue reading

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The Long Road to Nuclear Justice for the Marshallese People via Facing South (Portside)

Olivia Paschal The largest nuclear weapon ever detonated by the United States went off on the evacuated Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954.* Nearly a thousand times the strength of the atomic bombs that the U.S. … Continue reading

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Navajo Nation President Nez Testifies On Radiation Exposure Compensation Act via Fronteras

Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez testified before the House Judiciary Committee during a discussion of Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. About three decades ago, Congress tried to address a growing concern about the health problems caused by uranium exposure during the … Continue reading

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