Tag Archives: Great East Japan Earthquake

Path to turnaround remains challenging for firms hit by 2011 disaster in northeastern Japan via The Mainichi

SENDAI (Kyodo) — Many small businesses hit by the 2011 earthquake and the subsequent nuclear disaster in northeastern Japan continue to face difficulties in turning around their battered operations, officials at a state body providing financial assistance to them said … Continue reading

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Fukushima’s Olympic makeover: Will the ‘cursed’ area be safe from radioactivity in time for Games? via France24

By:Constantin SIMON In a year’s time, the Olympic Games, dubbed the “reconstruction Olympics”, should allow Japan to move on from the Fukushima tragedy. The region, a symbol of the 2011 disaster, has officially been cleaned up but many problems remain, such … Continue reading

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Cascading disasters are causing extreme weather to pack an even bigger punch via UN Environment Programme

[…] Best understood like a row of toppling dominoes, one disaster causes another in a series that leads to worse impacts over a wider area than is expected. Unlike dominoes, the path and impacts can be difficult to predict. In … Continue reading

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