Tag Archives: France

Mouvement de grève des salariés de Tnex, chargés du nettoyage industriel à la centrale nucléaire via L’est Eclair

Nogent-sur-Seine – Les salariés de l’entreprise Tnex, l’un des sous-traitants, spécialisé en nettoyage industriel à la centrale nucléaire, ont manifesté mardi devant le site. Agents Tnex en colère », pouvait-on lire mardi matin sur la banderole tenue par quelques salariés devant … Continue reading

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France bans Muslim worker from nuclear sites via AlJazeera

French court upholds ban citing “religious radicalisation” but his lawyer calls it a case of Islamophobia. A French court has upheld a ban on a Muslim engineer from accessing nuclear sites, citing his links with what it termed as “jihadist … Continue reading

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Nuclear power stations cause childhood leukemia – and here’s the proof via The Ecologist

The core issue is that, world-wide, over 60 epidemiological studies have examined cancer incidences in children near nuclear power plants (NPPs): most (>70%) indicate leukemia increases. I can think of no other area of toxicology (eg asbestos, lead, smoking) with … Continue reading

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Insight – The cost of caring for Europe’s elderly nuclear plants via Reuters

(Reuters) – Europe’s ageing nuclear fleet will undergo more prolonged outages over the next few years, reducing the reliability of power supply and costing plant operators many millions of dollars. Nuclear power provides about a third of the European Union’s … Continue reading

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France to boost renewable energy, reduce nuclear via RFI

France is to invest up to 10 billion euros to boost investment in renewable energy and cut the country’s oil and gas costs. On Wednesday French Environment and Energy Minister Ségolène Royal presented a long-delayed energy bill to the weekly … Continue reading

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Waves for Worry? Scientists weigh-in on status of radioactive waters from Fukushima reaching California coast via La Jolla Light

By Steven Mihailovich While scientists anticipate substantial dilution of the radiation in the world’s largest body of water, the potential health effects cut to the heart of the contemporary scientific debate on the biological consequences of low-level radiation. “(The radiation) … Continue reading

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France’s nuclear energy costs to soar via RFI

The cost of nuclear energy in France is to increase sharply and continue to increase over the next few years, France’s official auditor says, predicting that investment to prolong the lives of ageing power stations will push up electricity bills. … Continue reading

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Study finds expectation that nuclear will hang on in France via Nuclear Engineering

A study of French energy experts predicts that France’s plan to reduce its share of nuclear power generation will take three times as long as the government proposes. The French government also aims to decrease the share of nuclear power … Continue reading

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Greenpeace activists arrested in French nuclear break-in via Reuters

(Reuters) – French police arrested 57 Greenpeace activists who used a truck on Tuesday to ram their way into a nuclear power plant operated by EDF in eastern France, the organisation said. The activists hung anti-nuclear banners from the Fessenheim … Continue reading

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EU criticizes UK for state aid to new Hinkley C nuclear reactors via Greenpeace

For a full briefing on the Commissions comments please go to Energydesk. The European Commission (EC) has delivered what can only be called a scathing initial verdict on the UK Government’s deal with French state owned EDF to build the … Continue reading

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