Tag Archives: evacuation

The Rage of Exile: In the Wake of Fukushima via Japan Focus

Shoji Masahiko; translated and introduced by Tom Gill A Statement by one of those who lost their homeland to the Fukushima nuclear disaster Shoji Masahiko, 2013.3.10 (Sunday) All of a sudden two years have passed since that once-in-a-thousand-years calamity, the … Continue reading

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Mission Impossible. What Future Fukushima? via Japan Focus

By David McNeill and Miguel Quintana Across much of Fukushima’s rolling green countryside they descend on homes like antibodies around a virus, men wielding low-tech tools against a very modern enemy: radiation. Power hoses, shovels and mechanical diggers are used … Continue reading

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Strict radiation reference levels shunned to stem Fukushima exodus via The Asahi Shimbun

The government avoided setting stringent radiation reference levels for the return of Fukushima evacuees for fear of triggering a population drain and being hit by ballooning costs for compensation, an Asahi Shimbun investigation shows. The revelation could rekindle debate over … Continue reading

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Japan court rejects demand to evacuate children while acknowledging radiation risks on health via Washington Post

TOKYO — A Japanese court has rejected a demand that a city affected by the fallout of the country’s 2011 nuclear disaster evacuate its children. The unusual lawsuit was filed on behalf of the children by their parents and anti-nuclear … Continue reading

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Un accident nucléaire en France : mais combien coûte une vie humaine pour l’IRSN ? via Rue89

L’Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN) a rendu publiques ses estimations du coût d’un accident nucléaire en France, mais l’étude étant introuvable et les hypothèses, non diffusées, l’ensemble repose sur un socle d’histoires toutes plus discutables les unes … Continue reading

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Fukushima, la décontamination bâclée via Le Figaro

Des ouvriers témoignent des méthodes contestables ou de l’impuissance des entreprises privées, chargées de décontaminer toute une région, au nord-est du Japon, après la catastrophe nucléaire du 11 mars 2011. […] 160.000 personnes contraintes d’abandonner une région contaminée Près de … Continue reading

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Damages rules set for nuclear crisis evacuees via The Japan Times

The government Friday unveiled guidelines on compensation for real estate in evacuation zones near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, calling for full payment of damages to people who won’t be able to return home more than six years since … Continue reading

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【Radio】Helen Caldicott, “Fukushima and Nuclear Energy” via Red Ice Radio

A one-hour radio interview from July 3, 2012. ◇For diametric contrast, see Radiation from Fukushima probably will kill 130 people

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Meet The Only Man Who Stayed In His Town After Evacuation For The Fukushima Disaster via Business Insider

Naota Matsumara is the only resident left in his town after the government evacuated the other 16,000 residents because an earthquake caused a nuclear meltdown at a nearby plant. He refuses to leave Fukishima. Continue reading at Meet The Only … Continue reading

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Family of nuke crisis suicide victim to sue Tepco for damages via The Japan Times

FUKUSHIMA — The family of a woman who committed suicide amid the Fukushima No. 1 plant nuclear disaster intends to demand around ¥72.5 million in damages from Tokyo Electric Power Co., sources said Wednesday. The family claims Hamako Watanabe, 58, … Continue reading

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