Tag Archives: EU

“Fukushima: As bad as Chernobyl?” via BBC News

Chernobyl is regularly labelled “the world’s worst nuclear accident” – and with good reason. A working reactor caught fire, explosively. Radioactive debris was sent 30,000 feet into the air – the height at which airliners conventionally fly. Some of that … Continue reading

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“Secret sale of UK plutonium to Israel” via BBC News

The sale was made despite a warning from British intelligence that it might “make a material contribution to an Israeli weapons programme”. Under Wilson, Britain also sold Israel tons of chemicals used to make boosted atom bombs 20 times more … Continue reading

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“France Anti-Nuclear Protest” via NTDTV.com

Several dozen anti-nuclear protesters rally in Paris. Fuelled by the nuclear crisis unfolding in Japan following the country’s most powerful earthquake on record, demonstrators are demanding that France end its dependence on nuclear power. They say the radiation leak at … Continue reading

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“Manifestation pour l’arrêt de la centrale de Fessenheim” via Le Figaro

Quelque 3800 manifestants, français mais aussi allemands et suisses, se sont réunis dimanche dans le Haut-Rhin devant l’installation dont ils dénoncent la vétusté. Environ 3800 personnes, selon les gendarmes, étaient réunies dimanche après-midi sur une île au milieu du Rhin … Continue reading

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“Un débat sur le nucléaire, pas sur l’islam” via Libération

“Plus que jamais il est urgent d’arrêter la doyenne des centrales nucléaires françaises”: venus en famille, de France, d’Allemagne ou de Suisse, près de 4000 personnes se sont réunies dimanche en face de la centrale de Fessenheim pour demander son … Continue reading

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“More than one in 10 nuclear power plants at risk from earthquakes” via The Independent

Scores of nuclear power plants worldwide are at risk from tsunamis or earthquakes similar to the natural disasters that crippled Japan’s Fukushima reactors, according to new research. Many at-risk plants are in countries less able to cope with a disaster … Continue reading

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“Campaign Update” by Steven Leeper Chairperson, Hiroshima Peace Culture Institute

I write with a heavy heart. The Tohoku disaster is still beyond our comprehension. The victims are still in shock. Help is pouring in from around Japan and around the world, but hundreds of thousands remain homeless, hungry, cold and … Continue reading

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Japan Nuke Global consequences via Malu ‘Aina Center for non-violent education and action

My read is that it is likely that Fukushima is going to get seriously worse .  It has the potential to make Chernobyl look minor in comparison.  I hope I am wrong but the article I recently sent out about … Continue reading

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“Empfehlungen zur Minimierung des Strahlenrisikos in Japan” on Strahlentelex und ElektrosmogReport

Zur Begrenzung des Strahlenrisikos durch die Aufnahme von Radionukliden mit der Nahrung in Japan nach der Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima haben die Gesellschaft für Strahlenschutz (German Society for Radiation Protection) und der Informationsdienst Strahlentelex auf der Grundlage der Erfahrungen nach der … Continue reading

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Nuclear Power: Can Six Million Frenchmen Be Wrong? via Frontline PBS

That’s roughly how many French had toured their country’s 58 nuclear plants at the time we aired this report. In fact, over the decades it’s become a popular outing, filled with kids, families and friends. So VIEW here an intriguing little … Continue reading

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