Tag Archives: EU

Germany Nuclear Power Plants To Be Entirely Shut Down By 2022 via Huffington Post

BERLIN — Europe’s economic powerhouse, Germany, announced plans Monday to abandon nuclear energy over the next 11 years, outlining an ambitious strategy in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima disaster to replace atomic power with renewable energy sources. Chancellor Angela Merkel … Continue reading

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Officials in Germany Support Closing 7 Nuclear Plants via The New York Times

FRANKFURT — Seven nuclear power plants in Germany that were shut down after the Fukushima disaster in Japan are likely to be closed permanently after a decision Friday by state environment ministers. A government agency warned, however, that without the … Continue reading

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G-8 differ in reactions to Fukushima via The Japan Times

GERMANY — While the Group of Eight wrapped up their two-day summit in Deauville, France, by agreeing on the need to better define international standards for nuclear safety, its member nations differ in their reactions to the nuclear disaster at … Continue reading

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Europe divided over nuclear power after Fukushima disaster via The Guardian

Europe‘s nuclear power faultlines in the wake of the Fukushima disaster were exposed on Wednesday as Switzerland moved to phase out its nuclear power plants and the extent of British and French lobbying to water down nuclear safety checks was revealed. The … Continue reading

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“Complicity and Victimhood: Director Kamanaka Hitomi’s Nuclear Warnings” on Japan Focus

Introduced and translated by Norma Field “They keep saying on television that it’s safe, there’s nothing to worry about. I regard this as criminal.” So Kamanaka Hitomi stated on a recent talk show. [“The harm caused by trace amounts of … Continue reading

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“Areva System for Cleaning Fukushima Water Blamed for Leukemia, Polluted Beaches in Europe” on COTO Report

The process a French firm will use to clean Fukushima’s radioactive water has been blamed for a leukemia cluster in France and for polluted beaches and irradiated waters from the English Channel to the Arctic Sea. Areva SA has promised … Continue reading

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“Japan Nuclear Crisis Raises Doubts In France” via NPR

The nuclear crisis in Japan is also raising questions in France. The country gets nearly 80 percent of its electricity from nuclear power. That makes it the most nuclear-energy-dependent nation in the world. And until now, nuclear power had broad … Continue reading

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“IHT Snow White cartoon draws protest” via the Japan Times

New York — The Japanese Consulate General in New York lodged a protest with New York Times Co. on Thursday for publishing a cartoon in which Snow White, carrying a newspaper with the headline “Japan nuclear radiation,” asks an old … Continue reading

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“Ukraine raises $785m to seal Chernobyl under new ‘shell'” via the Guardian

The ruined nuclear reactor at Chernobyl is to be sealed within a 20,000-tonne steel shield designed to prevent any further radiation from escaping for 100 years. It would be large enough to enclose St Paul’s Cathedral in London, or the … Continue reading

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