Tag Archives: Environment

Unspeakable suffering: the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons via Reaching Critical Will

This publication examines the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and is aimed for civil society actors, academics, and governments that are interested in approaching weapons negotiations with a humanitarian lens. We hope it will be useful for the upcoming period … Continue reading

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Europe ‘has failed to learn from environmental disasters’ via the guardian

Europe ‘has failed to learn from environmental disasters’ Europe has failed to learn the lessons from many environmental and health disasters like Chernobyl, leaded petrol and DDT insecticides, and is now ignoring warnings about bee deaths, GM food and nanotechnology, … Continue reading

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Germany faces energy balancing act via The Washington Post

… A year after German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a surprise decision to speed her country’s phaseout of nuclear power, environmentalists who hailed her plan — a reversal of her previous positions — now worry that her center-right Christian Democrats … Continue reading

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Illinois Nuke Plants Dumping Millions of Gallons of Near 100-Degree Water into Waterways via Common Dreams

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is allowing power stations “to dump millions of gallons of hot water into Illinois waterways each day,” a Chicago Tribune report released Monday shows. Byron Nuclear plant in Illinois (photo: Michael Kappel) Coal and nuclear … Continue reading

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The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly via Scientific Reports

The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly Atsuki Hiyama, Chiyo Nohara, Seira Kinjo, Wataru Taira, Shinichi Gima, Akira Tanahara, Joji M. Otaki Scientific Reports 2, Article number: 570 doi:10.1038/srep00570 Received 06 June 2012 … Continue reading

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Fukushima climbers left hanging over N-fears via Daily Yomiuri

UKUSHIMA–Despite the arrival of mountain-climbing season, many mountains in Fukushima Prefecture remain closed due to high radiation levels, causing frustration to local governments and affected businesses. While people will be allowed to climb mountains with relatively low radiation levels, local … Continue reading

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Chernobyl: A field trip to no man’s land via BBC

By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC Nature “I had nightmares when I first came here,” says Andrea. “You feel this sort of constant invisible threat. “But you do get used to it. Now, I actually quite enjoy these field trips.” … Continue reading

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Fukushima Meltdown Mitigation Aims to Prevent Radioactive Flood via Scientific American

Three months after its meltdown, the stricken nuclear power plant continues to struggle to cool its nuclear fuel–and cope with growing amounts of radioactive cooling water By David Biello | June 24, 2011 | 20 HOLDING TANKS: Tanks hold some of … Continue reading

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