Tag Archives: Capitalism

METI chief vows to restart reactors via The Japan Times

If tests confirm their safety, they will go back on stream: Hachiro Kyodo Yoshio Hachiro, the new economy, trade and industry minister, has vowed to back Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s policy of resuming halted nuclear reactors if thorough checks confirm … Continue reading

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Restructuring power distribution via The Japan Times

Japan’s 10 power companies have enjoyed regional monopolies under government protection, controlling not only electricity generation but also electricity transmission from power stations to transformer substations and distribution to individual users. This system is coupled with the government-backed price setting … Continue reading

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Anti-nuclear campaigners join hands, to intensify protest at plant sites via The Economic Times

AHMEDABAD: Even before the nuclear industry gets its act together to build new plants, activists opposing India’s atomic energy programme have joined hands for co-ordinated protests at various sites where nuclear projects are planned. Local activists are also in contact … Continue reading

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The £100 Billion Hidden Cost of Nuclear Power via SpinWatch

By Kayla Ente, 8 August 2011Last month the British Climate Secretary, Chris Huhne, unveiled the biggest shake-up of the electricity market since privatisation. As the debate on how we produce our electricity rises up the political agenda again, politicians are … Continue reading

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Council throws support toward USEC loan guarantee via Chillicothe Gazette

CHILLICOTHE — Chillicothe City Council members gave their support to USEC Inc.’s American Centrifuge project at their regular meeting Monday night.Council members passed a unanimous resolution asking for President Barack Obama and the U.S. Department of Energy to agree to … Continue reading

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10 Highest-Paying Degrees via AOL Jobs.

This article was originally featured on OnlineDegrees.comBy Maryalene LaPonsie Recent media reports on the job market for new college grads are full of horror stories: sky high student debt and sub-par entry-level salaries. But it isn’t all bad news. The … Continue reading

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Government, industry refocus on nuclear plant exports via asahi.com

The government has resumed its joint efforts with industry to export nuclear power plants, despite effectively halting reactor construction at home following the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. Critics said the government is using a double … Continue reading

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First Japanese reactor restarts via World Nuclear News

17 August 2011 Unit 3 at the Tomari nuclear power plant on Japan’s northern Hokkaido island has resumed operation after a periodic inspection. It is the first reactor to be restarted in the country since the 11 March earthquake and … Continue reading

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連続イベントII-2 上映とトーク 日本の原発輸出がインドの人々にもたらすもの via Democracy Now!

日本は、アメリカにならってインドとの「例外的な」原子力協定を締結しようとしています。今やグローバル経済の一商品となった原発の輸出は当然のこと、 「経済ありきで何が悪い」という発想でしょうか。原子炉製造技術を持つ日本企業にとっては喜ばしい話です。万が一日本国内がほんとうに脱原発になる日が来 ようとも、親方日の丸の輸出産業として海外でうまくやることができれば天下泰平です。そうすれば現在の日本の原子力産業が世界の最先端をいく特殊技術もす たれさせずに温存できます。 (中略) 日時:2011 年9月24 日(土)13 時30~ 16 時(開場13 時) 会場費:500 円 場所:日本キリスト教会館4F 会議室 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-18 地下鉄東西線早稲田駅下車徒歩5 分 上映:「バンダナ・シバとモード・バーロウ 母なる大地の権利を語る」 (デモクラシーナウ DVD より) 講演:福永正明さん  「 大国インドと日印原子力協定~電力をめぐる人びとのたたかい~」 主催:デモクラシー・ナウ!ジャパン http://democracynow.jp お問い合わせ:03-3207-1273(TEL/FAX)  event110924☆democracynow.jp(☆は@に)) 会場の都合で、事前にお申し込みいただけるとたいへん助かります。 お申込みは上記メールアドレスもしくはFAXへ チラシ(準備中) 全文記事は連続イベントII-2 上映とトーク 日本の原発輸出がインドの人々にもたらすもの

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Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project Under Construction in Naka Japan via Solar Thermal Magazine

Well here is something that you probably didnt know. There has been a major Nuclear Fusion Research Project underway in Japan since 2006 through the French Atomic Energy Commission.As part of the EU’s F4E project, the French Atomic Energy Commission … Continue reading

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