Tag Archives: Canada

The debate in Canada: What is a ‘safe’ level of radiation? via The Gazette

The fallout from Fukushima has sparked debate about how Canada monitors radiation and how it decides what is a “safe” level of radiation. Canadian authorities have insisted that Canadians are safe and that dangerous levels of radiation haven’t entered our … Continue reading

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Canada’s earliest nuclear projects will haunt landscape for centuries via The Gazette

CHALK RIVER, Ont. — At 3:07 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 12, 1952, the National Research Experimental nuclear reactor, then the most powerful research reactor on Earth, raced out of control, rapidly overheated and then exploded, destroying the reactor core and … Continue reading

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Canada may buy nuclear submarines via CBC News

Harper government considers mothballing 4 British-made diesel subs CBC News has learned the Harper government is considering buying nuclear submarines to replace its problem-plagued fleet of diesel-powered subs, all of which are currently awash in red ink and out of … Continue reading

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What are officials hiding about Fukushima? via Straight.com

By Alex Roslin, October 20, 2011 After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, Soviet officials were vilified for hiding the impacts from the public. But when Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident took place last March, public officials in Japan and Canada … Continue reading

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Choose green energy: Stop Darlington via the star.com

As the debate over our energy future heats up in advance of the provincial election, more than 150 organizations have come together to send a message to whoever forms the next government: We want a green energy future and that … Continue reading

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Citizen group wants radiation tests done in Canada following Fukushima nuclear disaster via Straight.com

By Charlie Smith, August 11, 2011 A Vancouver woman wants Canadian governments held more accountable for protecting public health in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear crisis. In an August 8 interview at the Georgia Straight office, Isabel Budke pointed … Continue reading

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A Political Meltdown via The Walrus

◇ Medical use of radiation: “a sort of peacekeeper of the nuclear world.” For decades, Canada has been a world leader in the production of medical isotopes. So why did the government announce that it was dumping the entire program? … Continue reading

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Northern protesters begin 820-km walk via The StarPhoenix

By Jeanette Stewart, The StarPhoenix July 28, 2011 Fourteen residents of northern Saskatchewan have now begun an 820-kilometre walk from Pinehouse Lake to Regina to protest nuclear waste storage in Saskatchewan. The 7000 Generations Walk Against Nuclear Waste is organized … Continue reading

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Point Lepreau licence review open to citizens via CBC News

CNSC (The Canadian Nuclear safety Commission) offers $75,000 to allow citizens, groups to participate in hearings CBC News Posted: Jul 19, 2011 6:48 AM AT The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is offering $75,000 for interested citizens and groups to participate … Continue reading

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