Tag Archives: Belgium

Insight – The cost of caring for Europe’s elderly nuclear plants via Reuters

(Reuters) – Europe’s ageing nuclear fleet will undergo more prolonged outages over the next few years, reducing the reliability of power supply and costing plant operators many millions of dollars. Nuclear power provides about a third of the European Union’s … Continue reading

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Electrabel confirms Doel 4 nuclear power plant sabotage vian Power Engineering

Belgium has been left without half of its nuclear capacity, as GDF Suez subsidiary Electrabel confirmed that its Doel 4 nuclear reactor has been shut down due to sabotage. Reuters reports that a GDF Suez (Euronext: GSZ) spokesman confirmed Belgian press … Continue reading

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Investigation into sabotage at Doel nuclear power plant via The Bulletin

The federal anti-terrorism agency OCAD has joined in an investigation of an oil leak at the nuclear power reactor Doel 4 in Beveren, East Flanders. Last week the agency for nuclear control (Fanc) said it was looking into allegations of … Continue reading

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“Le nucléaire coûte plus cher que les renouvelables” via Sos Planete

Le nucléaire coûte plus cher que les renouvelables sur la durée de vie, a affirmé mardi matin le ministre wallon de l’Energie, Jean-Marc Nollet (Ecolo), au micro de Matin Première (RTBF). Evoquant le coût de la construction de nouvelles centrales … Continue reading

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Radiating Remnants: Nuclear Waste Barrels Litter English Channel via Spiegel

German journalists have discovered barrels of radioactive waste on the floor of the English Channel, just a handful of thousands dumped there decades ago. It was previously thought the material had dissipated. Now politicians are calling for the removal of … Continue reading

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Thousands of cracks found in Belgian nuclear power plant via euobserver.com

… The cracks, which possibly date back to the reactor’s construction some 40 years ago, were discovered using ultra-sound during inspections in June and July. Belgium’s nuclear regulator, the federal agency for nuclear control (FANC), said the reactor is in … Continue reading

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Belgium: Possible flaw in nuclear plant via AP

BRUSSELS (AP) – A possible hairline crack in the steel tank containing the reactor at a Belgian nuclear plant poses no danger to the public, the country’s nuclear regulatory agency said Friday. The possible flaw was discovered while the plant … Continue reading

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Nuclear a pawn in Belgian politics via Nuclear World News

16 November 2011 In pursuit of a functioning government Belgium has reversed a 2009 agreement and proposed a crippling tax on nuclear power, leading utilities to threaten court action.   GDF Suez reacted strongly to the moves today with the … Continue reading

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Belgium agrees on conditional nuclear exit plans via Reuters

(Reuters) – Belgium’s political parties have reached a conditional agreement to shut down the country’s two remaining nuclear power stations, owned by GDF Suez unit Electrabel, a government spokeswoman said Monday. The plan for a shutdown of the three oldest … Continue reading

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New deal on phasing out nuclear power via Flanders News

Mon 31/10/2011 – 10:24 Update: Mon 31/10/2011 – 12:32 The six parties involved in talks that should lead to the formation of a new Belgian Government have struck a deal on phasing out nuclear energy. Under the agreement Belgium will … Continue reading

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