Tag Archives: anti-nuclear

Conference to dismantle case for nuclear via Molly Scott Cato

A special conference hosted by Green MEPs will this week seek to dismantle the case for Hinkley C nuclear power station and bring an end to the argument that nuclear is ever part of a sustainable energy future. The London conference … Continue reading

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Former Japanese PM Naoto Kan: ‘Fukushima radically changed my perspective’ via DW

How has the Fukushima disaster changed Japan? Former PM Naoto Kan talks to DW about the influence of the nuclear industry lobby while criticizing the current government for its push to restart the idled nuclear reactors. […] In an exclusive … Continue reading

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March 8 NO NUKES DAY -Unified Action Against Nuclear Power! Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts! via Metropolitan Coalition Againt Nukes

[…] DETAILS March 3 NO NUKES DAY Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts Date: March 8, 2015 (Sunday) Place: Hibiya Yagai Ongakudo (Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall; often abbreviated as Hibiya Yaon) in Hibiya Park. It is near Kokkaigijido (houses of parliament … Continue reading

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Documentary on anti-nuclear activism Nov. 21 in Falmouth via the Wicked Local Falmouth

Cinema Politica Cape Cod will present “Radioactivists,” a documentary on anti-nuclear activism in Japan, at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 21 in the Falmouth Public Library’s Hermann Meeting Room. Following the screening, Karen Valle of the Cape Cod Bay Watch … Continue reading

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Dr. Caldicott Tells of Fukushima’s Lethal Toll and Meeting Ronald Reagan via EcoWatch

[…] “Nuclear Power Plants are cancer factories and bomb factories … because any country that has a nuclear reactor makes 500 pounds of plutonium a year and you need 10 pounds to make an atomic bomb … so the nuclear … Continue reading

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South Korean Town to Put Nuclear Plan to Vote via ABC News

Fighting plans to build a nuclear power plant, a South Korean fishing village is holding a referendum Thursday, even though the government has warned the vote is illegal. A site in Samcheok, 195 kilometers (120 miles) east of Seoul, was … Continue reading

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200,000 attended an anti-nuclear rally in New York City’s Battery Park via This Week in History

September 23, 1979 200,000 attended an anti-nuclear rally in New York City’s Battery Park. It was the largest political protest of the late ’70s in the U.S., six months after the partial meltdown of the nuclear reactor at Three Mile … Continue reading

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Nuclear power is not the best option: Brundtland via Taipei Times

Former Norwegian prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, the winner of the first Tang Prize in Sustainable Development, on Friday said that nuclear power is not her preferred source of new energy due to the complexities involved. Brundtland, who chaired the … Continue reading

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The BBC, Friends of the Earth and nuclear power via The Ecologist

At first it looked like a journalistic coup, writes Neil Crumpton – the BBC’s ‘scoop’ that FOE was no longer opposed to nuclear power. Except that FOE remains firmly anti-nuclear as it has been for decades. The spotlight must now … Continue reading

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Anti-nuclear power activist Udayakumar detained at IGIA via The Indian Express

Activist S P Udayakumar, who spearheaded the campaign against the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) as the convenor of the People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE), was stopped and interrogated at Terminal-3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport on Tuesday. … Continue reading

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