Category Archives: *English

Solar power to become cheaper than nuclear power by 2030, Japanese government says via Hankyoreh

The ‘nuclear power myth’ has now collapsed not just in terms of safety but also in terms of cost Solar power, an eco-friendly and renewable source of energy, could overtake nuclear power to become the cheapest form of energy by … Continue reading

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Japan weighs extending maximum reactor lifespan beyond 60 years via Japan Times

Japan is considering extending the maximum service period for its nuclear reactors beyond 60 years due to anticipated public opposition to the construction of new plants, sources close to the matter said Thursday. The government is seeking to make long-term … Continue reading

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‘Not in this town’: artwork about Britain’s ‘nuclear colonialism’ removed via The Guardian

An Australian artist has accused a group of Conservative councillors of using “bullying strategies” to silence and censor her work after an installation she created to highlight Britain’s “identity as a colonial nuclear state” was removed from a park in … Continue reading

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Pretending Not to See Brazen Lies: The Rule of Law and Nuclear Madness via The Bullet

Judith Deutsch The latest brazen lie is the “rule of law” upheld by US President Joe Biden at the G7 and NATO summits, especially lies about lawlessness surrounding nuclear weapons. During the presidency of the Donald Trump years (2017 to … Continue reading

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原発汚染水海洋放出について 経済産業省の説明を聞く会 via 「汚染水の海洋放出に反対する」実行委員会

※ライブ配信時、冒頭の音声が欠けてしまいましたので、完全版としてアップロードしました※ 2021 年 7 月 10 日(土) 13:30~16:30 会場:三春交流館まほら 大ホール 説明者: 経済産業省資源エネルギー庁 原子力発電所事故収束対策室 奥田修司室長 東電福島第一原発事故により発生した汚染水の処分について、今年4月 13日に政府は海洋放出により 処分を行うと決定しました。海洋放出に関しては多くの疑問点や問題点がありますが、菅総理は決定後、 「今後国民にしっかり説明して、御理解いただけるようにしていきたい」と述べています。 国には私たちの納得のいくまで説明して頂きたいと思います。 会に参加できない方もYouTubeからぜひ視聴ください。 ***プログラム*** 13:30~13:40 あいさつ 実行委員長・三春町長・三春町議長 13:40〜14:00 説明 奥田修司室長 14:00〜16:30 会場からの質疑応答 (途中休憩あり) 主催:「汚染水の海洋放出に反対する」実行委員会 後援:三春町

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Pueblo County might consider nuclear energy to replace power after Comanche 3 closure via Pueblo Chieftain

Sara Wilson As the fate of Xcel Energy’s Comanche 3 power plant hangs in the balance, closing in 2040 with the potential of an even earlier shutdown, Pueblo leaders are looking to a potential replacement: nuclear energy.   “These are different types … Continue reading

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Remediation completed at former New Haven nuclear facility in USA via Nuclear Engineering International

The US Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), along with partners at the federal, municipal, and community levels, and the private sector, on 9 July announced completion of remediation activities at the former United Nuclear Corporation site in … Continue reading

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High court rules 84 A-bomb ‘black rain’ victims eligible for aid via The Mainichi

HIROSHIMA (Kyodo) — A Japanese high court ruled Wednesday that 84 people in Hiroshima Prefecture are eligible to receive state health care benefits even though they were exposed to radioactive “black rain” following the 1945 U.S. atomic bombing outside an … Continue reading

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Exclusive | Hanford workers hospitalized after feeling sick digging at nuclear waste-tainted site via Tri-City Herald

BY ANNETTE CARY Three Hanford workers spent 24 hours at the Richland hospital last month after reporting headaches, nausea and rapid heart rates at one of the nuclear reservation’s tank farms. The symptoms were consistent with those linked to inhalation … Continue reading

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Nuclear Stockholm Syndrome via Counterpunch

By Robert Jacobs Bhaskar Sunkara’s recent opinion piece extoling the virtues of nuclear power and castigating its opponents as paranoid and ill-informed, is clearly motivated by his deep concerns over the dire impacts of global warming, which loom closer by the hour. … Continue reading

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