Radioactive Waste Dump Connection of Yucca Mt/West Texas – Ian Zabarte + Nuke Bailout Headache$$$ – Dave Kraft, NH #535 via Nuclear Hotseat

This Week’s Featured Interviews:

  • Radioactive waste dump connection between Yucca Mountain and West Texas explored and exposed by Ian Zabarte, Principal Man for the Western Bands of the Shoshone Nation.  He rips apart the recent decision by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to approve a high level “interim” nuclear waste dump in West Texas and brings to the fore a range of Native American issues long-overlooked by the NRC and the nuclear industry in connection with this nuclear sacrilege.
    You can CONTACT Ian at:
  • Dave Kraft of Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) gives us the latest unfortunate update in the ongoing saga of taxpayer-funded bailouts of unprofitable for-profit Exelon nuclear reactors in Illinois.  Then he lets us know what’s being planned for the nuclear honey-pot of Congress in the proposed Build Back Better Act. It’s not a pretty picture!

Read more and listen

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