Story Of A Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine That Was Blocked & Turned Into A Disco via CleanTechnica

•Being very disconnected geographically from other regions of the country, back in the 1960s, the Crimea region of what is now Ukraine was continuously struggling with blackouts and brownouts related to poor connection to those other regions.

•In 1969, it was decided that a power plant needed to be built in the Crimea region. Different options were considered, but it was eventually decided that a nuclear power plant should be built in the region.

•Unfortunately, there’s quite a bit of seismic potential in the Crimea region. The town of Shcholkine was chosen as the location for the nuclear power plant because it was the “least” dangerous. In this location, the maximum-size earthquake possible was considered to be a Richter-scale-7.0 earthquake — which is still a very large earthquake.

•Actually, despite deciding in 1969 to build the nuclear power plant, the project wasn’t started until 1982 because it was so difficult for the country to come to a conclusion on the safest location for the power plant.

•Following the disaster at Chernobyl, citizen unrest blocked the nuclear power plant from ever being completed.
The nuclear power plant is now in ruin, but there were many years when it was actually used for discos, bike summits, and such. I talked to a number of people who recalled going to parties inside the area where the reactor would have been operating.


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