Nuclear power station has been leaking radioactive waste ‘for months’, says Environment Agency via Mail online

  • Dungeness B in Kent has been leaking more than agreed levels of Tritium
  • But the variant of hydrogen has not seeped into domestic water supply
  • Even if it had, the levels detected would pose no danger to the public

A nuclear power station in Kent has been leaking radioactive waste, which can increase the risk of developing cancer, for months according to the Environment Agency.

Routine tests on boreholes drilled close to the Dungeness B plant found traces of tritium measuring more than seven times the agreed level.

But plant owners EDF Energy have reassured residents that it is unlikely that contaminated water has seeped into the local domestic supply.

Although the substance, a radioactive variant of hydrogen, can increase the risk of cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency in the US, it is considered one of the least dangerous nuclear waste products.
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3 Responses to Nuclear power station has been leaking radioactive waste ‘for months’, says Environment Agency via Mail online

  1. yukimiyamotodepaul says:

    “Although the substance, a radioactive variant of hydrogen, can increase the risk of cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency in the US, it is considered one of the least dangerous nuclear waste products.” How insane this sounds.

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