Tag Archives: voluntary evacuation

Japan and Tepco ordered to pay Fukushima residents who fled to Hokkaido via Japan Times

SAPPORO – A court ordered the government and the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant Tuesday to pay a combined ¥52.9 million ($513,000) in damages to 89 people who evacuated from their hometowns to Hokkaido after the 2011 nuclear disaster. … Continue reading

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TEPCO ordered to cough up after it refused deal on compensation via Asahi Shimbun

[…] The court on Feb. 19 ordered Tokyo Electric Power Co. to pay 12.03 million yen ($108,000) to 50 of the 52 plaintiffs.  The plaintiffs had sought 99 million yen in damages for their psychological suffering due to their voluntary evacuation … Continue reading

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The current situation of Fukushima evacuees and disaster countermeasures

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New Fukushima evacuee bullying case emerges at Tokyo school via Asahi Shimbun

  After school bullying cases emerged recently in cities including Yokohama and Niigata, another student who was evacuated from Fukushima Prefecture after the 2011 nuclear disaster has come forward. The latest case, at a junior high school in the capital’s … Continue reading

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Yamagata&Niigata prefectural governors request FUKUSHIMA prefecture housing support extension for Nuclear disaster voluntary evacuees via Taminokoe Shimbun

Yamagata and Niigata prefectural governors strongly request that FUKUSHIMA prefecture should extend the housing support for Nuclear disaster voluntary evacuees.But Fukushima governor, Uchibori Masao did not answer anything to their request. Why? […] he Fukushima Prefecture governor to enforce central … Continue reading

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Fukushima to end housing aid for voluntary evacuees via The Japan Times

FUKUSHIMA – The Fukushima Prefectural Government said Monday it will stop providing free housing at the end of March 2017 to nuclear evacuees whose homes are in official evacuation zones. Housing assistance to the voluntary evacuees, currently set to expire … Continue reading

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‘Voluntary’ evacuees of Fukushima nuclear disaster face unclear future via The Mainichi

The approaching deadline for an announcement on whether the provision of emergency temporary housing will be extended has turned the spotlight on those whose evacuations from Fukushima Prefecture are considered “voluntary.” Immediately after the outbreak of the Fukushima No. 1 … Continue reading

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Gov’t reluctant to charge TEPCO over rent money for voluntary Fukushima evacuees via The Mainichi

The government has been covering the rent for apartments provided for evacuees from Fukushima Prefecture, while not demanding payment for this purpose from Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) — the operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant … Continue reading

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