Tag Archives: Safety

As Nuclear Waste Piles Up, Private Companies Pitch New Ways To Store It via WBEZ 91.5

JEFF BRADY Congress is once again debating how to dispose of the country’s growing inventory of nuclear waste. Wyoming Republican Senator John Barrasso is proposing legislationthat would jump start licensing hearings for the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage site in Nevada. … Continue reading

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Fukushima Daiichi operator warned for lax security via NHK World–Japan

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has issued a warning to the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant for not complying with rules to safeguard nuclear materials. The regulator says the company was not keeping a list of keys … Continue reading

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TEPCO transfers some fuel from Fukushima plant No. 3 unit pool via The Mainichi

FUKUSHIMA, Japan(Kyodo) — The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant said Tuesday it has transferred some nuclear fuel from one of the reactor buildings damaged by hydrogen explosions in the 2011 disaster to another location for safer … Continue reading

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How greed and corruption blew up South Korea’s nuclear industry via MIT Technology Review

[…] A small, resourcepoor nation that relied heavily on imported energy, South Korea had kick-started its nuclear program in the 1970s by buying reactors on turnkey contracts from Canada, France, and the United States. But Kepco and its nuclear affiliate, … Continue reading

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WTO upholds South Korea ban on some Japan seafood imports over Fukushima nuclear disaster via The Japan Times

GENEVA/SEOUL – The World Trade Organization on Thursday ruled in favor of a South Korean ban on imports of some Japanese fishery products introduced in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, reversing an earlier decision against the restrictions. The … Continue reading

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New Mexico Is Divided Over The ‘Perfect Site’ To Store Nation’s Nuclear Waste via NPR

NATHAN ROTT Thirty-five miles out of Carlsbad, in the pancake-flat desert of southeast New Mexico, there’s a patch of scrub-covered dirt that may offer a fix — albeit temporarily — to one of the nation’s most vexing and expensive environmental … Continue reading

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Brazilian nuclear plant uranium convoy attacked by armed men: police via Reuters

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – Armed men shot at members of a convoy transporting uranium to one of Brazil’s two working nuclear power plants on a coastal road in Rio de Janeiro state on Tuesday, police and the company managing … Continue reading

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How Three Mile Island and the nuclear industry influenced pop culture via WITF

Written by Lisa Wardle, Digital Manager | This March marks the 40th anniversary of the partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. WITF is collaborating with PA Post and PennLive on a multimedia, monthlong look at the accident, its impact and the future of … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste from Diablo Canyon Power Plant discussed at decommission meeting via KSBY

Ahead of the impending closure of California’s last power plant, the Diablo Canyon plant in San Luis Obispo County, utility managers and members of a decommission panel met Wednesday to discuss what will be done with the hazardous nuclear waste. … Continue reading

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Most evacuees under 50 from three Fukushima towns near nuclear disaster have no plan to return via The Japan Times

[…] The orders for Namie and Tomioka were partially lifted in 2017. But more than 60 percent of evacuees from the two towns in their 20s and 30s and more than 50 percent in their 40s said they would not … Continue reading

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