Tag Archives: Safety

Austria Planning To Sue European Union Over Approval Of Hungary’s Nuclear Energy Expansion via Clean Technica

The country of Austria is now planning to sue the European Commission for its approval of a nuclear energy expansion project in Hungary, government reps have revealed. The announcement follows from the decision by the European Commission last year to … Continue reading

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Communities offered £1m a year to host nuclear waste dump via The Guardian

New search for communities willing to host underground site for thousands of years Local communities around England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be offered £1m a year to volunteer to host an underground nuclear waste disposal facility for thousands of … Continue reading

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Ring of Fire ROARS: Four huge quakes and two volcanoes strike Pacific basin in 36 HOURS via Daily Star

JAPAN has been struck by a huge earthquake following 36 hours of intense activity around the Ring of Fire. It goes from New Zealand, up the Asia-Pacific coast across Japan and northern Russia, before skirting down Alaska, Canada, the US … Continue reading

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Fukushima foods publicized at Davos Forum via NHK World

An event showcasing Japanese food and culture was held at the Swiss resort town Davos, where the World Economic Forum is taking place. People from Fukushima Prefecture served locally-produced foods to publicize the progress in recovery from the 2011 earthquake, … Continue reading

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The Nuclear War Movie That Traumatized a Generation Is Back via Motherboard

The British anti-war classic ‘Threads’ is coming to Blu-ray. In 1984 a bomb went off on British television. That bomb was Threads, a well-researched TV movie about nuclear war. Unlike so many other movies, books, and television shows that deal … Continue reading

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Ibaraki nuclear plant used erroneous fuel rod data for over 40 years, utility says via The Japan Times

For more than 40 years, Japan Atomic Power Co. used erroneous data regarding the location of nuclear fuel rods within the reactor at its Tokai No. 2 power plant in Ibaraki Prefecture, the company has said. The information — which … Continue reading

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Japan studies how to support 2011 disaster areas after Reconstruction Agency folds in 2021 via The Japan Times

The government has started work to determine how to support rebuilding efforts in areas of northeastern Japan hit by the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster after the Reconstruction Agency is abolished in March 2021, sources said Tuesday. The … Continue reading

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We Cannot Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse by Ducking and Covering via TruthOut

Current fears of the potential use of nuclear weapons — partly resulting from the North Korean weapon program and accompanying threats by President Trump, and mishaps like the errant ballistic missile alert notification in Hawaii recently — have led to … Continue reading

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The Nuclear Worrier via The New York Review of Books

The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner by Daniel Ellsberg Bloomsbury, 420 pp. $30.00   […]   But he never stopped worrying about nuclear weapons. He was far from alone, of course. The horror of the bombs dropped … Continue reading

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Fukui weighs new wave of reactors to protect status as Japan’s ‘nuclear capital’ via The Japan Times

OSAKA – With 13 commercial nuclear reactors — more than any other prefecture — Fukui has long been Japan’s nuclear power capital. Prior to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and triple core meltdown at the Fukushima No. 1 plant, … Continue reading

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