Tag Archives: Safety

The atomic fuel plant up the road: Leak sparks concerns about nuclear neighbor via The State

HOPKINS, SC Pollution tied to infant deaths and cancer in adults has shown up for decades in the groundwater beneath a nuclear fuel factory less than two miles from Michael Daugherty’s house. […] Now, in the aftermath of a recent … Continue reading

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In Gorky Park, with nuclear worries via The Hill

BY MATTHEW BUNN, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR  On a recent Friday night in Moscow, I went for a stroll through Gorky Park, along the Moscow River. Mothers were pushing their toddlers in strollers; couples were walking hand-in-hand; people in paddle boats were … Continue reading

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Fukushima residents complain over statue of child in radiation suit via The Guardian

Critics say artwork outside train station gives impression area is unfit for habitation Residents of Fukushima have demanded the removal of a statue of a child in a protective suit from outside the city’s railway station, saying it gives the … Continue reading

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Small amount of radioactive spent nuclear fuel to go through Michigan via Detroit Free Press

A small amount of the most highly radioactive waste on the planet, spent nuclear fuel, is planned for a secretive, highly protected shipment from an Illinois nuclear power plant through Michigan and Port Huron, on its way to Canada. The … Continue reading

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Incident at San Onofre nuclear plant prompts additional training measures via The San Diego Union-Tribune

The utility operating the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station confirmed an incident occurred last week involving a canister containing spent nuclear fuel and has directed the contractor in charge of transferring the fuel to “take corrective actions, including additional training.” … Continue reading

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Volunteer activists credited with getting $60M for former nuclear workers via TRIB live

The volunteer efforts of a Hyde Park environmental activist and a retired Washington Township engineer helped about 300 former nuclear workers in the region collect $60 million from the federal government for cancers likely caused by their jobs. A federal … Continue reading

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U.N. chief offers a warning on anniversary of last nuclear attack via CBS News

TOKYO — Nagasaki marked the anniversary of the world’s second atomic bombing Thursday with the United Nations chief and the city’s mayor urging global leaders to take concrete steps toward nuclear disarmament. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the first United Nations chief … Continue reading

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Europe’s heatwave is forcing nuclear power plants to shut down via QUARTZ

[…] That’s bad news right now. Europe’s heatwave—which led to wildfires in Greece and Sweden, droughts in central and northern parts, and made the normally green UK look brown from space—is forcing nuclear plants to shut down or curtail the … Continue reading

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2020 Tokyo Olympic Torch Relay to Start from Fukushima via Japan Forward

日本語オリジナルは福島から聖火リレー 復興と感謝、世界に発信 「被災地発に意味」「現実見て」 The torch relay for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games will start from Fukushima on March 26 of the Olympic year. The plan was approved at the July 12 meeting of the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee. Starting the … Continue reading

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Can Nuclear Waste Survive a 14,500 Mile Journey? via Popular Mechanics

Researchers put a nuclear fuel container through an epic journey to see how safely it could travel. Can you send a container of nuclear fuel on an 14,500-mile trip through land and sea safely? Recently, researchers from Sandia National Laboratories … Continue reading

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