Tag Archives: renewables

Pro Sports Teams Go Solar via EcoWatch and Reader Supported News

hen it comes to clean energy and sustainability, solar looks to be a shoo-in one day for the “green” Hall of Fame. Today, more and more sports teams, sports leagues and sports organizations are embracing the advantages of solar energy. … Continue reading

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Stigma versus green allure: Nuke professionals at Japan’s Fukushima utility quit in droves via Newser

TOKYO (AP) — Stigma, pay cuts, and risk of radiation exposure are among the reasons why 3,000 employees have left the utility at the center of Japan’s 2011 nuclear disaster. Now there’s an additional factor: better paying jobs in the … Continue reading

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As nuclear power dies, solar rises via CNN

(CNN) — At long last, this Earth Day we celebrate the true dawn of the Solar Age. That sunrise is hastened, here and abroad, by the slow demise of the once-touted “too-cheap-to-meter” Atomic Age of nuclear power. As utilities find … Continue reading

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Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who Install Their Own Solar Panels via ThinkProgress (Reader Supported News)

klahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee, the result of a new bill passed by the state legislature and expected to be signed … Continue reading

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Political Roadblocks to Action on Climate Change via The New York Times (Letters)

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. In their April 9 Op-Ed article, “Global Warming Scare Tactics,” Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger, veteran apologists for nuclear power, trot out their threadworn and empirically unsupportable argument that poor messaging by the environmental movement … Continue reading

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Nuclear Subsidy Deal ‘Will Kill Renewables’ via Climate news network

The battle over the UK’s plan to subsidise nuclear power will decide Europe’s energy mix for the next 50 years, say critics. LONDON, 7 April – The United Kingdom’s plans to build heavily subsidised nuclear power stations have come under … Continue reading

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Obama’s Nuke-Powered Drone Strike on America’s Energy Future via EcoWatch

By Harvey Wasserman So the “all the above” energy strategy now deems we dump another $6.5 billion in bogus loan guarantees down the atomic drain. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz has announced finalization of hotly contested taxpayer handouts for the two … Continue reading

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UChicago, Argonne scientists gather to discuss nation’s energy future via UChicago News

Speakers at the most recent event included Mark Peters, deputy laboratory director for programs, Argonne; Leah Guzowski, energy policy scientist, decision and information sciences, Argonne; Hussein Khalil, director, nuclear engineering division, Argonne; Peter Littlewood, professor of physics, UChicago, and associate … Continue reading

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Groups oppose top climate scientists’ call to embrace nuclear power via E&E publishing

More than 300 groups are rejecting calls from top climate scientists to embrace nuclear power to fight climate change since renewables cannot be deployed fast enough. Environmental and anti-nuclear groups from the United States and 22 other countries told former … Continue reading

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Can Abenomics Cope with Environmental Disaster? via Japan Focus

By Andrew DeWit Geographically, the Global Climate Risk Index 2013 shows that the countries most affected in 2011 were Thailand, Cambodia, Pakistan, El Salvador and the Philippines.7 A more comprehensive and nearly real-time accounting of climate risk and adaptive capacity … Continue reading

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