Tag Archives: nuclear waste

Atomic Age Cinema Fest in Hollywood via International Uranium Film Festival

Los Angeles: International Uranium Film Festival, The Atomic Age Cinema Fest cordially invite to Atomic Film Screenings, a Nuclear Power Panel of Speakers and a Gala Event at Raleigh Studios Hollywood / Charlie Chaplin Theater,  Wednesday, April 27, 2016. 12 pm Hot Water USA, … Continue reading

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Europe faces €253bn nuclear waste bill via The Guardian

Disposal and decommissioning of plants in EU’s 16 nuclear nations outstrips available funds by €120bn, European commission study reveals Europe is facing a €253bn bill for nuclear waste management and plant decommissioning which outstrips available funds by €120bn, according to … Continue reading

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Fennovoima still looking for final nuclear waste disposal site via YLE

The nuclear waste management company Posiva has remained steadfast in its refusal to allow waste from the planned Fennovoima nuclear power plant to be stored in its Onkalo disposal site in south-western Finland. The company had indicated that it would … Continue reading

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Legacy of British nuclear tests in Australia in focus with national tour via NITV

‘Nuclear energy is not an Aboriginal issue, it’s a people issue,’ says Australian nuclear test survivor Sue Coleman-Haseldine. Sue Coleman-Haseldine was not quite three years old when the British government conducted nuclear tests at Emu Field and Maralinga in South … Continue reading

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Nuclear industry reveals its unsolved problem: waste via The Ecologist

Britain is shipping 700kg of highly-enriched uranium capable of making scores of nuclear bombs to the US, writes Gordon MacKerron. The move is a symptom of a huge problem that’s afflicting all nuclear nations – what to do with their … Continue reading

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US plea: don’t dump Dounreay’s nuclear waste here via The Ferret

A north American environmental group is pleading for the UK not to dump Dounreay’s toxic nuclear waste in the US. The plea follows a surprise announcement by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, at a nuclear summit in Washington last week … Continue reading

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EPA to clean radioactive contamination found on private property next to West Lake Landfill via St. Louis Public Radio

[…] Ed Smith of the Missouri Coalition for the Environment calls Friday’s findings “fairly significant.” “The EPA has said previously that the radioactivity is not off-site and it appears the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has found radioactivity off-site,” he said. … Continue reading

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Britain to ship record amount of nuclear waste to U.S.: UK government source via Reuters

Britain will ship 700 kilograms of nuclear waste to the United States under a deal to be announced by Prime Minister David Cameron at a nuclear security summit in Washington on Thursday, a British government source said. In return for … Continue reading

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Nuclear Materials Remain Vulnerable to Theft, Despite U.S.-Led Effort via The New York Times

WASHINGTON — As President Obama gathers world leaders in Washington this week for his last Nuclear Security Summit, tons of materials that terrorists could use to make small nuclear devices or dirty bombs remain deeply vulnerable to theft. Still, Mr. … Continue reading

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EPA: Nuclear Waste Closer to Bridgeton Landfill Fire via CBS/St. Louis

[…] Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster says the new data places the radioactive waste “hundreds of feet” closer to the fire than previously known. The Neighborhood Moms group spokesman Dawn Chatman now worries they won’t have enough time to build … Continue reading

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