Tag Archives: nuclear waste

Hanford workers contaminated in highly unusual accident via NNCN

A team of workers at the Hanford Site was contaminated with radioactive nuclear waste on Tuesday morning. The group was working within one of the facility’s tank farms, areas where highly lethal liquid nuclear waste is stored in massive underground … Continue reading

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Canada’s euphemistic search for a place to bury nuclear waste: Walkom via The Star

The plan to store nuclear waste is a mystery but whatever it is is ‘open, transparent and inclusive.’ The headline in the Lucknow Sentinel said it all. “Conversations begin to explore connections between APM project and community well-being,” it read. … Continue reading

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獨家揭露】核廢無處去 台電擬建海底核廢城 via 即時—焦点

國內核廢料無處去,台電日前提出「集中式貯存場可行性評估報告」,除擬耗資800億元在無人島或準無人島興建集中式貯存場,也不排除比照國外,在海平面以下約60公尺處,評估興建地下海底城做為最終處置場。經濟部近日將邀專家學者審查報告,目前興建地點尚無腹案;核工專家則質疑此舉會有安全疑慮。 蘭嶼貯存場有10萬多桶低階核廢料,引發蘭嶼居民怒吼、要求遷移,核一及核二廠下月底起到明年,也將陸續面臨退出的用過核燃料無處可放、核電廠被迫停擺的困境。為解決核廢貯存問題,台電規劃在無人島或凖無人島興建集中式貯存場,上月底已將報告送經濟部審查。 台電表示,評估報告並未列出候選島嶼名稱,而是建議經濟部成立「選址委員會」進行評估,並成立民眾參與選址的溝通平台,未來選定地點後呈報行政院核定,再由台電執行後續環評、投資審查及送原能會審查等作業。考慮到未來入選的島嶼面積可能不夠大,台電也擬建議參考瑞典做法,將增建海底城列為最終處置場的選項。 位於瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩北方、歐納馬鎮東邊Forsmark核電廠內的低放射性廢棄物處置場,為全球首座建於海床下的坑道式低放射性廢棄物處置場。該處置場建於海床下50公尺處,工程障壁包括水泥牆、水泥漿填充物及黏土護層等。 了解更多:獨家揭露】核廢無處去 台電擬建海底核廢城

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Quick Summary-Review After Seeing Shin Godzilla via Patheos

[…] Indeed, Fukushima is so important with this film that it can be said that now Godzilla has become an allegorical representation of Fukushima and the dangers which it brought to Japan. When Godzilla first emerges, it is believed Japan … Continue reading

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Hundreds march against nuclear dumping in South Australia via 9news

Hundreds of land owners have converged in Adelaide’s city centre to resist the South Australian government’s plans for two nuclear waste dumps in the state’s north. Groups opposing the government’s plans to store high-level waste from other countries have flooded … Continue reading

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Feds propose sealing part of nuclear waste repository via Santa Fe New Mexican

ALBUQUERQUE — A section of the federal government’s only underground nuclear waste repository would be permanently sealed under a plan announced Thursday during a public meeting aimed at addressing concerns about a recent series of ceiling collapses at the troubled … Continue reading

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UK Sends Highly Active Nuclear Waste Back to Switzerland via Mining Awareness

Switzerland recently shipped old Swiss Made plutonium to the US to be diluted in South Carolina and buried in the still collapsing WIPP (New Mexico). It also sent some Swiss HEU waste to be buried in the US. The UK, … Continue reading

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Report: Los Alamos to end radioactive on-site waste disposal via Albuquerque Journal

LOS ALAMOS — Amid concerns from regulators over hazardous waste and contamination, a new report says the Los Alamos National Laboratory will stop disposing low-level radioactive waste at its largest waste disposal area by October 2017. A recently released annual … Continue reading

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Companies may ease nuclear waste backlog via News.com.au

The United States could alleviate growing stockpiles of nuclear waste at power plants by allowing private companies to dispose of it and foster support for new nuclear projects, US Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz says. The US government spent billions of … Continue reading

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Liquid Nuclear Waste Convoys A Threat to the Waters of the Great Lakes via Niagara at Large

Convoys Likely To Use Canada/U.S. Border Crossings in Greater Niagara Region “Such high-level radioactive liquid has never before been transported over public roads anywhere in North America.” A Message of Concern from the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility – a … Continue reading

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