Tag Archives: nuclear waste

[audio] Ongoing St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare: West Lake Landfill Fire – Dawn Chapman, Jan Huber – Nuclear Hotseat #306 via Nuclear Hotseat

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Dawn Chapman, one of the founders of Just Moms StL who lives only a few miles away from the West Lake Landfill. Jan Huber bought her home in North St. Louis in 2000, never understanding that it was one mile away from … Continue reading

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Workers prepare to tackle Hanford’s potentially deadly spill via Tri-City Herald

The initial work has begun to clean up a spill of Hanford waste so radioactive that it would be lethal within two minutes of contact. Workers have entered the airlock of the nuclear reservation’s 324 Building for the first time … Continue reading

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Great Lakes community contemplates nuclear plant closure via Marketplace

Back in the 1970s and ’80s, Great Lakes beaches were the perfect spot for nuclear power plants. The fresh water helped cool nuclear reactors and small, lakeshore towns got jobs. Today nuclear power plants are finding it hard to compete … Continue reading

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Lack of transfer sites for 610 tons of spent fuel might delay closure plans for seven reactors via The Japan Times

About 610 tons of spent nuclear fuel stored at seven of the 17 reactors in Japan scheduled to be decommissioned have no place to be buried, it was learned Sunday, threatening to hold up the decommissioning process. If the question … Continue reading

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Legacy of Seabrook nuclear protest debated via Boston Globe

Forty years ago, Renny Cushing led hundreds of protesters through the front gates of perhaps the nation’s most controversial construction site, sprawled across a stretch of marshland along the New Hampshire coast. In all, about 2,000 demonstrators converged on what … Continue reading

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What could you have been thinking of, Nuclear Regulatory Commission? via OpEdNews

By Sheila Parks, Ed.D. To the Nuclear Regulatory Commission What could you be thinking of in transporting high level radioactive waste, the most toxic substance in the universe, across many miles in many states? What could you be thinking of … Continue reading

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Contract awarded for Parks Twp. nuclear dump cleanup via Tribelive

Cleanup of the Parks Township nuclear waste dump could begin again in 2019. The Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a $350 million contract to a Tennessee company to clean up the dump site, which contains various kinds of radioactive … Continue reading

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Greenpeace Ignores Tibet’s Nuclear Poisoning via Tibet, Activism and Information

The world’s most high profile environmental organization, with a network of international offices and serious resources at its disposal is investing considerable time, effort, thought and finances into developing its Greenpeace-China operations. With headquarters in Beijing and Hong Kong, it … Continue reading

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Nuclear Power Industry Meltdown via Inside Energy

Great Lakes beaches have always been popular for tourists. But in the 1970s and 80s, they were also prime real estate for nuclear power plants because there was lots of water to cool the reactors. Now there are nine nuclear … Continue reading

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Shimkus: Restart Yucca nuclear storage project via The Southern

Stalled efforts to store nuclear waste have cost ratepayers in Illinois billions of dollars and taxpayers across the country billions more. A spent rod of nuclear material already used by a nuclear plant still gives off a lot of heat … Continue reading

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