Tag Archives: nuclear waste

Nuclear waste is piling up: Governments need to stop dithering and take action via Phys.org

[…] In the UK, nuclear waste is currently kept in safe but high-maintenance conditions, with some canisters deteriorating, at Sellafield in Cumbria. This is costing tax payers £3 billion per year.  The new geological disposal facility is a vast underground bunker, to be buried around … Continue reading

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Inside America’s most toxic nuclear waste dump, where 56 million gallons of buried radioactive sludge are leaking into the earth via Business Insider

James Pasley Hanford Nuclear Reservation is the most polluted area in the United States. Buried beneath the complex is 56 million gallons of radioactive waste that need to be dealt with. The reservation produced the plutonium for Fat Man, the … Continue reading

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Can Nuclear Power’s Deadly Waste Be Contained in a Warming World? via Truthout

Nuclear reactors are highly vulnerable to radioactive meltdowns in an era of rising climate disasters. Imagine this scenario: You are driving home from work one evening, and you notice a strange metallic taste in your mouth. That night on the … Continue reading

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Agency could keep Three Mile Island nuclear debris in Idaho via Chicago Tribune

By KEITH RIDLER The partially melted reactor core from the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history could remain in Idaho for another 20 years if regulators finalize a license extension sought by the U.S. Energy Department, officials said Monday.  The core … Continue reading

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A Dead Russian Submarine Armed with Nuclear Torpedoes was Never Recovered via The National Interest

A permanent watery grave.by Robert Farley Key point: She rests at a depth of 15,000 feet—too deep to make recovery practical. The Bay of Biscay is one of the world’s great submarine graveyards. In late World War II, British and American aircraft … Continue reading

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Hanford officials move nuclear waste from Columbia River via FiberOne

RICHLAND, Wash. (AP) — Workers at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation have removed the last of the highly radioactive sludge stored in underwater containers near The Columbia River. […] Perry says the project came in ahead of schedule and under budget … Continue reading

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Judge lays out schedule for San Onofre nuclear waste lawsuit via The Sun Diego Union-Tribune

By JEFF MCDONALD The judge hearing a civil complaint against the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and owners of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has rejected a request for an immediate stop-work order at the plant. Instead of granting a temporary … Continue reading

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The ‘advanced’ nuclear power sector is dystopian via Ecologist

Jim Green A documentary called New Fire was released promoting ‘advanced’ nuclear power concepts last year. The heroes of the film were young entrepreneurs Leslie Dewan and Mark Massie, founders of a start-up called Transatomic Power that was developing a ‘Waste-Annihilating Molten-Salt … Continue reading

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Reed ’21: The Hidden Dangers of Nuclear Energy via The Brown Daily Herald

By ANDREW REED  […] The increased safety of nuclear reactors threatens to obscure the inherent dangers of their very existence. And as fossil fuels continue their terminal decline toward extinction, countries currently not operating reactors will operate them in the future. … Continue reading

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Whatever America’s energy future, our nuclear waste problem isn’t going anywhere via Washington Examiner

Electricity affects nearly every aspect of modern life, from the food supply to health, transportation, housing and emergency services. Lives depend on reliable access to electrical power and nuclear power plants generate a fifth of all U.S. electricity. It would … Continue reading

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