Tag Archives: Nuclear power

The even madder plan to build a new nuclear plant on the beach via Beyond Nuclear International

By Linda Pentz Gunter In December 2018 we ran an article — The mad plan to store nuclear waste on the beach— which has become one of our most read stories. Now, as the climate crisis worsens, here comes a possibly even … Continue reading

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Climate Change Could Unleash Long-Frozen Radiation via Popular Mechanics

Atomic bombs, Chernobyl, Fukushima—radiation has traveled and frozen all over the world. Global warming is changing that. By David Grossman […] […] The international team studied 17 icy locations across the globe, including the Arctic, the Antarctic, Iceland, the Alps, … Continue reading

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Joanna Macy: A Wild Love for the World via On Being with Krista Tippet

[…] Tell me about how that awakening came in your life. Ms. Macy:Well, it came about very naturally. I was always responsive to issues when they arose. And then in the ’70s, it became quite vivid for me and quite … Continue reading

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America’s “Hole-in-the-Head” Nuke Suicide Pact Gets Court Approval via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman The Supreme Court has just now certified the deadliest and most economically destructive scam of the entire Trump catastrophe. Every downwind American is now threatened with deadly radiation while state after state bankrupts itself with soaring electric bills … Continue reading

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Supreme Court Won’t Hear ZEC Challenges via RTO Insider

By Rich Heidorn Jr. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear challenges to Illinois’ and New York’s zero-emission credit payments to nuclear plants. The court denied the Electric Power Supply Association’s petitions for certiorari without comment. The decision left standing … Continue reading

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Three Mile Island’s Murderous Legacy Still Threatens Us All via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman orty years ago this week, the Three Mile Island nuke began pouring lethal radiation into our air and water, lungs and livers. Throughout central Pennsylvania and beyond, people, animals, plants, and the planet began to die en … Continue reading

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Trump adds $3.7B in support to finish 2 new nuclear reactors via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Energy Secretary Rick Perry announced Friday that the Trump administration has finalized $3.7 billion in new loan guarantees to support completion of the first new U.S. commercial nuclear reactors in a generation, calling the expansion of nuclear … Continue reading

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Fukushima, Chernobyl, And Three Mile Island Prove Why Nuclear Power Will Never Be Inherently Safe via Fairewinds Energy Education

By Grayson Webb Recently, after Forbes Magazine published an opinion piece entitled, It Sounds Crazy, But Fukushima, Chernobyl, And Three Mile Island Show Why Nuclear Is Inherently Safe, a number of Forbes’ readers called and continue to write Fairewinds Energy … Continue reading

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Riding the Wild Bull of Nuclear Power via Counterpunch

by EVAGGELOS VALLIANATOS […] The nuclear disaster in Japan was an opportunity for America: the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was Gregory Jaczko. Jaczko goes to Washington A series of accidents had brought to Washington, DC, Jaczko, a theoretical physicist … Continue reading

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Japan has plutonium, rockets and rivals. Will it ever build a nuke? via PRI’s The World

Patrick Winn There are few substances more freakish than plutonium. Seldom found in nature, the metal is pewter gray, absurdly heavy and so radioactive that, if you held a lump on a cold day, it would gently warm your hands. … Continue reading

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