Tag Archives: NRC

Fukushima and the Nuclear Pushers via Reader Supported News

he conclusion of a report of a Japanese parliamentary panel issued last week that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster was rooted in government-industry “collusion” and thus was “man-made” is mirrored throughout the world. The “regulatory capture” cited by … Continue reading

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Leaked Docs Reveal ‘Off the Charts’ Damage at US Nuke Plant via Reader Supported News

roblems with the steam generators and miles of tubing at the San Onofre nuclear plant are the most severe found in comparable generators in the US and much more severe than previously reported, according to a new report.The report by … Continue reading

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Fukushima and the Nuclear Pushers via Counterpunch

The conclusion of a report of a Japanese parliamentary panel issued last week that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster was rooted in government-industry “collusion” and thus was “man-made” is mirrored throughout the world. The “regulatory capture” cited by … Continue reading

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NUCLEAR WASTE via Manila Bulletin Publishing Corpration

IN my two previous articles, one irrevocable dilemma focused on safe disposal of nuclear waste.  Storing used fuel rods from nuclear power reactors is one problem that remains unsolved by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Nuclear waste in the US … Continue reading

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NRC Chief Is Faulted By Probe via The Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—An investigation has found that Gregory Jaczko, the outgoing chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, behaved in a way that was “not supportive of an open and collaborative work environment” and gave testimony to Congress last year that contradicted … Continue reading

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委員長による職員いじめを認定 米原子力規制委 via 日本経済新聞

【 ワシントン=共同】米原子力規制委員会(NRC)の監察官は26日までに、ヤツコ委員長が職員に対する脅しやいじめを繰り返していたとの内部調査報告をまとめた。AP通信が報告書の要約を入手して報じた。ヤツコ氏は「何も悪いことはしていない」と反論している。  ヤツコ氏は東京電力福島第1原子力発電所事故後、米国内原発の安全対策を指揮してきた。だが運営手法に対する批判が他の4人の委員から持ち上がり、ことし5月に辞意を表明している。  監察官は他の委員やNRC幹部が脅しやいじめと感じる事例が15回あったと認定。内部対立をめぐって、ヤツコ氏が昨年12月に議会で証言した内容も、監察官がNRC幹部から聞き取り調査した内容と食い違いがあるとしている。 委員長による職員いじめを認定 米原子力規制委

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President Obama names Allison Macfarlane as NRC Commissioner to replace Jaczko via ANS Nuclear Cafe

President Barack Obama today announced his intent to nominate Allison Macfarlane to be U.S. Nuclear Regulatory (NRC) commissioner and to designate her as NRC chair upon her appointment. Macfarlane is an associate professor of Environmental Science and Policy at George … Continue reading

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Licensure process must continue for Yucca nuclear waste site via The Augusta Chronicle

… YOU MAY remember that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2011 abruptly stopped the licensure procedure of Yucca Mountain – the Nevada storage facility for nuclear waste. The reason for the shutdown? They didn’t have a reason. When they started … Continue reading

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Why is safety a divisive issue for Nuclear Regulatory Commission? via The LA Times

Reading between the lines, it’s probably fair to say that Greg Jaczko may not be someone you’d want to work for. […] Reading between the lines, it’s probably fair to say that Greg Jaczko may not be someone you’d want … Continue reading

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As Reactors Age, the Money to Close Them Lags via The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The operators of 20 of the nation’s aging nuclear reactors, including some whose licenses expire soon, have not saved nearly enough money for prompt and proper dismantling. If it turns out that they must close, the owners intend … Continue reading

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