Tag Archives: Los Alamos National Laboratiories (LANL)

Ill Nuclear Workers’ Benefits Petitions Have to Be Reviewed in 6 Months. Some have been kept languishing for about a decade via ProPublica

Rebecca Moss, Santa Fe New Mexican Ten years ago, a security guard at Los Alamos National Laboratory submitted a petition to the federal government seeking compensation and benefits for his fellow lab workers who were sick with cancer and believed that radiation … Continue reading

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Half-life via the Santa Fe New Mexican and ProPublica

By Rebecca Moss Chad Walde believed in his work at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Then he got a rare brain cancer linked to radiation, and the government denied it had any responsibility. […] There had been other funerals, even that month, … Continue reading

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Lax Oversight, Poor Management Raise Concerns at Los Alamos Nuclear Lab via Reader Supported News

By Joshua Eaton, ThinkProgress he University of California will continue to manage one of the country’s most important nuclear labs alongside two partners, despite a series of accidents that raise serious concerns about the lab’s safety. In a statement Friday, the … Continue reading

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Resolutions opposing LANL plans postponed until next month via the Santa Fe New Mexican

A pair of proposed city resolutions opposing planned expansion of plutonium pit production at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the nuclear weapons agenda of President Donald Trump’s administration ran into hurdles at Monday’s city Finance Committee. […] One proposal would … Continue reading

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Helping LANL Workers Access Free Medical Care via Los Alamos Daily Post

Working at a facility like Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Sandia National Laboratories brings a lot of benefits and career satisfaction. These facilities support our regional economy and provide fulfilling career opportunities that would not be available in our … Continue reading

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Plutonium Pitfalls: Nuclear weapons contractors repeatedly violate shipping rules via The Star

Plutonium capable of being used in a nuclear weapon, conventional explosives, and highly toxic chemicals have been improperly packaged or shipped by nuclear weapons contractors at least 25 times in the past five years, according to government documents. […] The … Continue reading

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Chromium plume from Los Alamos threatens New Mexico Native American tribe, drinking water via RT

Hexavalent chromium may not be familiar to the average American ‒ but Erin Brockovich likely is. A plume of the same toxic chemical that led to a movie based on Brockovich is now threatening a Native American tribe’s sacred lands … Continue reading

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Gov’t audit raps Los Alamos over lax handling of radioactive waste via Fox News

A government report released this week blasted the safety procedures for handling radioactive waste at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, following a leak that prompted a shutdown in February. […] Among the critical points made in the … Continue reading

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Radiation Leak Linked to Los Alamos; Do We Really Want Biological Agents There? via Indian Country

The cause of the radiation leak at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico, is still unresolved, but we know that it started with Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) and ended at the WIPP, shutting that facility down … Continue reading

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Concern over another WIPP drum via Albuquerque Journal

SANTA FE – A drum at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant has been singled out as having contents – including a discarded glove containing lead – that are most similar to those in a barrel that popped open due to … Continue reading

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