Tag Archives: Hiroshima/Nagasaki

We Cannot Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse by Ducking and Covering via TruthOut

Current fears of the potential use of nuclear weapons — partly resulting from the North Korean weapon program and accompanying threats by President Trump, and mishaps like the errant ballistic missile alert notification in Hawaii recently — have led to … Continue reading

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Nagasaki-Hanford Bridge Project: Joining the Victims of Production and Use of Nuclear Weapons via CORE

Nagasaki-Hanford Bridge Project: Joining the Victims of Production and Use of Nuclear Weapons [March 5 through 11] Consequences of Radiation Exposure (CORE), a Washington State nonprofit, is planning a historic mission by a survivor of the Nagasaki atomic bomb to … Continue reading

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The Nuclear Worrier via The New York Review of Books

The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner by Daniel Ellsberg Bloomsbury, 420 pp. $30.00   […]   But he never stopped worrying about nuclear weapons. He was far from alone, of course. The horror of the bombs dropped … Continue reading

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After safety breaches, new Los Alamos director pushes for accountability at nuclear weapons lab via Science

LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO—The new director of Los Alamos National Laboratory here, Terry Wallace, took the helm earlier this month at a particularly challenging time in the U.S. nuclear weapons lab’s storied 75-year history. Repeated safety violations necessitated a temporary … Continue reading

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A-bomb survivors question denial of ICAN leader’s request for meeting with Abe via The Mainichi

Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the international nongovernmental organization that won last year’s Nobel Peace Prize, was denied a meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during her current visit to Japan in … Continue reading

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Pope warns world is one step away from nuclear war via Channel News Asia

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE: Pope Francis said on Monday (Jan 15) he was really afraid about the danger of nuclear war and that the world now stood at “the very limit”. His comment, made as he flew off for a … Continue reading

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The Fallout of CP-1: The Culture of Competence Surrounding Nuclear Technologies (Bo Jacobs at the University of Chicago) via Vimeo

My lecture as part of the 75th anniversary of the first sustained nuclear chain-reaction experiment, CP-1, held as part of the Physics Colloquium of the University of Chicago on 26 October 2017. This experiment, conducted at Stagg Field at UC … Continue reading

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ローマ法王 「これが戦争の結末だ」長崎被爆写真配布を指示 via NHK News Web

ローマ・カトリック教会のフランシスコ法王は、原爆が投下された直後の長崎で撮影された少年の写真とともに「これが戦争の結末だ」というメッセージを添えたカードを配布するよう指示し、核廃絶を訴える法王の強い思いを示すものと欧米のメディアが報じています。 それによりますと、フランシスコ法王は、ローマ・カトリック教会が「世界平和の日」と定める1月1日に合わせて、原爆が投下された直後の長崎で撮影された少年の写真を掲載したカードを配布するよう指示したということです。 カードに掲載されたのは、死んだ弟を背負った少年が直立不動で立つ姿をアメリカ軍の従軍カメラマンが撮影した「焼き場に立つ少年」と呼ばれる写真です。カードには、「少年は、死んだ弟の火葬の順番を待っている。かみしめた唇とにじんだ血に少年の悲しみが表れている」という説明とともに、「これが戦争の結末だ」という法王のメッセージがサインとともに記されています。 フランシスコ法王は、これまでにも「人類は広島や長崎から何も学んでいない」などと日本の被爆地に言及して核兵器を批判してきたほか、核兵器禁止条約の実現に貢献したICANがノーベル平和賞を受賞したことを評価して核廃絶を訴えています。 続きはローマ法王 「これが戦争の結末だ」長崎被爆写真配布を指示  当サイト既出関連記事: ‘The fruit of war’: Pope Francis prints photo of Nagasaki victims via CNN

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‘The fruit of war’: Pope Francis prints photo of Nagasaki victims via CNN

(CNN)Pope Francis is having cards printed and distributed showing a 1945 photo of victims of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki along with the words “the fruit of war.” The photo captures a boy carrying his dead brother on his shoulders … Continue reading

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Chinese artist Cai Guo Qiang ‘Reactions’ performance Sat

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