Tag Archives: Hiroshima/Nagasaki

Every baby born in 2016 contains atom bomb radiation — here’s why via Tech Insider

Seventy-one years ago Saturday, a United States B-29 bomber named the “Enola Gay” dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The bomb fell just over 29,000 feet from the plane and detonated 1,900 feet above … Continue reading

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‘No first use’ nuclear weapons policy a dangerous Obama idea via The Washington Times

With only six months to go in the Oval Office, President Obama is contemplating “fundamental change” to U.S. national security policy: a declaration of “no first use” regarding nuclear weapons. Such a declaration would forswear using any item in the … Continue reading

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Hibakusha: A-bomb sufferers’ group official regrets praising Obama speech via The Mainichi

The secretary-general of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, who praised the speech given by United States President Barack Obama during his visit to Hiroshima, says he regretted doing so after learning the content of the speech … Continue reading

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Uranium contamination: ‘Radiation has been killing Adamawa villagers for years’ via Daily Trust

Babies born deformed in Michika areas […] The villages include Garta, Futudou, Himike, Sina-Kwande Nkala and Ghumthi, all in Michika area. Zira, a geologist from one of the affected villages, drew the attention of his audience comprising of a group … Continue reading

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Hiroshima survivors’ art held in UK to be returned to Japan via BBC

Paintings by pupils who survived a World War Two atomic attack are to be returned to Japan by the man who looked after them “for many decades”. The works were given to a Manchester teacher by a Hiroshima school principal … Continue reading

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Hibakusha group says Obama Hiroshima speech ‘avoided responsibility’ via the Japan Times

[…]Obama, who became the first sitting U.S. president to visit the city devastated by the U.S. atomic bombing in World War II, said at the beginning of his 17-minute speech, “Seventy-one years ago, on a bright cloudless morning, death fell … Continue reading

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Two Stay-at-Home Moms Are Waging War Against the Feds Over Illegal Toxic Waste via Broadly

What do you do when there’s 10,000 barrels of illegally dumped uranium two miles away from your home and the government tells you not to worry about it? Dawn Chapman and her family are stuck in an absurd and depressing … Continue reading

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The Detroit Origins of Atomic Bomb “Little Boy” via Wdet

Two out of the three locations to manufacture the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima were in metro Detroit. At the corner of Mt Elliott and McNichols, in Northeast Detroit, there’s an unassuming machine shop that sits in the middle of an industrial landscape. … Continue reading

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Professor Bo Jacobs on the Obama Visit via Get Hiroshima

[…] Professor Jacobs is a researcher, lecturer and historian of nuclear technology and radiation technopolitics. He is also a long-time Hiroshima resident and a professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute at Hiroshima City University. This 25 minute interview touches on many … Continue reading

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LIVE: Obama speaks at Hiroshima memorial via Youtube

Ref. Text of President Obama’s Speech in Hiroshima, Japan via The New York Times

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