Tag Archives: Hiroshima/Nagasaki

How John Hersey’s Hiroshima revealed the horror of the bomb via BBC

At the end of this month 70 years will have passed since the publication of a magazine story hailed as one of the greatest pieces of journalism ever written. Headlined simply Hiroshima, the 30,000-word article by John Hersey had a … Continue reading

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U.N. panel backs starting negotiations to ban nuclear weapons via The Japan Times

GENEVA – A U.N. working group on nuclear disarmament on Friday adopted a report recommending to the General Assembly that negotiations to outlaw nuclear weapons begin in 2017. […] The report includes opinions from Japan and NATO member nations that … Continue reading

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Interview with professor Robert Jacobs: Must say no to a war more via Hiroshima Peace Media Center

People in Hiroshima, which marked the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing, have still evaluated the visit by U.S. President Barack Obama highly. Meanwhile, there is still a long way to go to realize the abolition of nuclear weapons in … Continue reading

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Abe tells U.S. of Japan’s concerns over ‘no first use’ nuke policy being mulled by Obama via The Japan Times

WASHINGTON – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has expressed concern over the possible nuclear weapons policy of “no first use” being considered by the Obama administration, according to a column in the Monday edition of the Washington Post. Citing a weakening … Continue reading

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Seeking peace beyond sob story of Hiroshima’s ‘paper crane girl’ via The Asahi Shimbun

[…] ‘BLACK TEARS’ The USS Arizona lies at the bottom of Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, 75 years after Japan’s surprise attack on Dec. 7, 1941. Fuel still leaks from the wreckage, blotting the clear water with oil slicks called “black … Continue reading

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Hiroshima wrongly overshadows Nagasaki via USA Today

Michael Krepon The merciless momentum of nuclear war plans needs to be rethought before it is too late. Hiroshima gets all the attention, but Nagasaki teaches the more important lesson. The need to destroy Hiroshima will be forever debated, but … Continue reading

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Hiroshima: the crime that keeps on paying, but beware the reckoning via Counterpunch

[…] But here was one thing that Obama could have said that would have had a real impact: he could have told the truth. He could have said: “The atom bombs were not dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ‘to save … Continue reading

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Activists protest nuclear weapons on anniversary of bombings via The Boston Globe

ARLINGTON — Braving heavy humidity and a light rain, anti-war activists gathered in the town center Saturday morning to protest nuclear weapons and commemorate the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. About 10 activists held signs … Continue reading

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Blogumentary: Giving Voice to Survivors from Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima via National Geographic

Hiroshima – Today, with some distance of time and perspective, we can think about Hiroshima with a more balanced compassion than a few decades ago. It has become possible to reflect on not only the justification for the first dropping of an atomic … Continue reading

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Truman’s Grandson Reflects On Hiroshima Nearly 71 Years After Atomic Bomb Was Dropped via Wisconsin Public Radio

Grandson Says He Grapples With Decision That Both Ended War, Killed Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Aug. 6 marks the 71st anniversary of President Harry Truman ordering a U.S. airman to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing an estimated 166,000 people … Continue reading

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