Tag Archives: health

Fukushima Radiation-Hit USS Reagan Sailors Win Right to Sue TEPCO in USA – #314 via Nuclear Hotseat

Listen to the program at Fukushima Radiation-Hit USS Reagan Sailors Win Right to Sue TEPCO in USA – #314 (around 10:00) Related article:  US sailors who ‘fell sick from Fukushima radiation’ allowed to sue Japan, nuclear plant operator via The Telegraph

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Fukushima nuclear disaster: former Tepco executives go on trial via The Guardian

Three men plead not guilty to professional negligence in the only criminal action targeting officials since the triple meltdown Three former executives with the operator of the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have pleaded not guilty to charges of … Continue reading

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Nuclear Weapons Site Alarms Shut Off, Scientists Inhale Uranium via Scientific American

Most scientists were not told of risks for months after 2014 incident; investigation shows more mishaps at Nevada and New Mexico nuclear sites [….] The government scientists didn’t know they were breathing in radioactive uranium at the time it was happening. … Continue reading

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Connecticut Hospital Association Confronts Radiation Dosage via Hospitals and Health Networks

New data repository system is tracking and aggregating statewide radiation exposure in patients and will be evaluated this summer Amid concern from U.S. health organizations over the last few years, the Connecticut Hospital Association is taking steps to implement a … Continue reading

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5 Nuclear Meltdowns You Were Never Told About via Dark5

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These workers’ lives are endangered while contractors running nuclear weapons plants make millions via USA Today

A wrong turn of a valve at one of the country’s nuclear weapons laboratories unleashed an explosion that easily could have killed two workers. The near catastrophe in August 2011 at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque lifted the roof of the … Continue reading

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Japanese government conveys regret over Moon’s Fukushima nuclear crisis remarks via The Japan Times

SEOUL – The government has expressed regret over recent remarks by South Korean President Moon Jae-in about the March 2011 crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 plant, according to sources. “The accident in 2011 at the Fukushima nuclear power plant brought … Continue reading

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US sailors who ‘fell sick from Fukushima radiation’ allowed to sue Japan, nuclear plant operator via The Telegraph

AUS appeals court has ruled that hundreds of American navy personnel can pursue a compensation suit against the government of Japan and Tokyo Electric Power Co. for illnesses allegedly caused by exposure to radioactivity in the aftermath of the 2011 … Continue reading

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How Should We Manage Nuclear Energy? via BBC

The promise of the 1950s, that nuclear energy would supply practically all of our energy, has faded. What’s the future of the expensive, powerful, complicated energy source? […] Nuclear energy has long struggled to convince sceptics, fearful of accidents and … Continue reading

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Senators grill Perry on Yucca nuclear storage plans via The Hill

Energy Secretary Rick Perry was in the hot seat Wednesday as senators grilled him over his push to build a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said the fight over making Yucca the sole location for the … Continue reading

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