Tag Archives: health

Group opposes bringing German nuclear material through Charleston to Savannah River Site via The Post and Courier

A proposed plan to ship uranium from Germany to Joint Base Charleston, then send the nuclear material along to the Savannah River Site by railroad, was denounced Tuesday by a citizens group. In a 10-9 vote, the SRS Citizens Advisory … Continue reading

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EU to lift import curbs on rice from Fukushima, more deals likely via The Asahi Shimbun

The European Commission is set to relax import restrictions on rice from Fukushima Prefecture that were imposed after the 2011 nuclear disaster, sources said. […] In addition to rice from Fukushima Prefecture, the EU is expected to remove restrictions on … Continue reading

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森林のセシウム、地面表層にとどまる 福島での追跡調査 via 朝日新聞

東京電力福島第一原発事故で福島県内の森林内部にたまった放射性セシウムの大半が現在、地面表層にとどまっていることを、森林総合研究所(茨城県つくば市)が事故後5年間の追跡調査で明らかにした。事故直後は樹木や落ち葉に大半があったが、落葉や雨で表層土に移ったとみられる。 同研究所は林野庁の委託を受け、事故が起きた2011年から毎年、福島第一原発から約26キロ離れた福島県川内村の国有林などに調査地点を設け、放射性物質セシウム137の蓄積量を調べてきた。樹木と落葉層、深さ5センチまでの表層土、5~20センチまでの土層ごとに測定し、樹木は葉と枝、樹皮、幹別の測定値から算出した。 川内村のスギ林で、11年には全蓄積量の44%が樹木に、31%が落葉層にあった。しかし翌12年にはそれぞれ14%、15%に減り、15年には4%と8%に急減した。逆に深さ5センチまでの表層土は11年が23%だったが、12年には62%、15年には76%と大半になった。5~20センチまでの土層は11年が2%で、12年に9%、15年に12%と微増だった。 続きは森林のセシウム、地面表層にとどまる 福島での追跡調査

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Plans to dump Hinkley Point mud off south Wales criticised via BBC News

Plans to dredge 300,000 tonnes of mud from near a disused nuclear plant and dump it off Cardiff Bay have been criticised. A marine pollution expert claims the mud from near Hinkley Point in Somerset could expose people to radioactivity. … Continue reading

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Efforts to squash plans for nuclear waste dump on Lake Huron escalate via The Voice

Rep. Mitchell sends message to Canadian government U.S. Congressman Paul Mitchell, representing Michigan’s 10th District, recently delivered an indirect message to the Canadian government, urging it squash the proposed development of a deep geologic repository for nuclear waste on the … Continue reading

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Of the power of having nuclear weapons via The Valdosta Daily Times

Through the years, I have always wondered why, except for China, the only nations that are permanent members of the United Nations are nations that are considered white: Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States. They all have nuclear … Continue reading

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Oversight panel: Nuclear lab workers violated safety rules via Herald.Net

Putting plutonium or other materials too close together could cause a nuclear reaction. SANTA FE, N.M. — A national laboratory’s workers producing a shell for a triggering device for nuclear weapons violated safety rules in August by storing too much … Continue reading

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Reprocessed nuclear fuel returned to Japan for reactor use via The New York Times

TOKYO — Nuclear fuel reprocessed in France returned to Japan on Thursday for use in a reactor as the country tries to burn more plutonium amid international concerns about its stockpile. Kansai Electric Power Co. said the shipment arrived for … Continue reading

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Meeting Thursday on storage for Hanford’s highly radioactive capsules via Tri-City Herald

A discussion of the area where highly radioactive cesium and strontium capsules will be stored at the Hanford nuclear reservation is planned Sept 21. Now 1,936 capsules of cesium and strontium are stored underwater in the Waste Encapsulation and Storage … Continue reading

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EXCHANGE: Hundreds visit Exelon’s nuclear plant in Byron via The Seattle Times

BYRON, Ill. (AP) — Whenever he sees Exelon’s twin nearly 500-foot tall cooling towers gusting water vapor, 7-year-old Evan Northrup mentions to anyone who will listen “they’re making the clouds.” […] About 500 people signed up to tour the Byron … Continue reading

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