Tag Archives: health

Researchers turn low-level nuclear waste into glass via New Atlas

The Cold War left behind significant amounts of low-level nuclear waste, but the future may be a bit cleaner thanks to a team of scientists at the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), who have vitrified low-level … Continue reading

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Fukushima nuclear disaster from a foreign perspective: German film was shot inside exclusion zone via Post Magazine

Greetings from Fukushima, a movie on the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, was shot on location, with the director Doris Dörrie even carrying a Geiger counter to monitor radiation levels There have been numerous responses … Continue reading

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Marshallese poet draws attention to nuclear dome via RadioNZ

A Marshall Islands poet has highlighted climate change, nuclear destruction and waste in a poem about a dome on Runit Island. After the second World War, the US tested 67 nuclear weapons in the Marshall Islands and dumped its nuclear … Continue reading

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Campaigners slam £1m incentive to store nuclear waste via The Guardian

Compensation offered to encourage local communities to allow test boreholes is described as ‘completely inadequate’ MPs from both major parties have attacked the government’s latest incentive to entice communities into volunteering to host Britain’s first deep underground store for nuclear … Continue reading

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Kiwis fear cancer after working near leaky US nuclear reactor in Antarctica via Stuff

New Zealand soldiers who served in Antarctica in the 1960s-1970s fear they may get cancer because an American nuclear power plant at McMurdo Station leaked. US servicemen have already died. Will Harvie reports. Paul Williscroft was a cargo handler with … Continue reading

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Danger for decades? Even closing infamous nuclear power plant TMI won’t eliminate hazards via York Daily Record

Will TMI be more or less dangerous after it closes? Depends who you ask. One thing is for sure: The risks won’t go away entirely. When Three Mile Island partially melted down on March 28, 1979, the danger was immediate and … Continue reading

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Letter: No place for nuclear power via Concord Monitor

The inherent lethality of nuclear power plants has long been concealed from the public, but it is apparently well-known to those working day-in, day-out to protect public health. Last week, CBS Evening News reported on two as yet unexplained rare … Continue reading

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Proposed nuclear storage site in southeast New Mexico accused of ‘nuclear colonialism’ via Carlsbad Current Argus

Fears of a proposed nuclear waste repository between Carlsbad and Hobbs extended beyond the two cities, stirring anxiety from residents across New Mexico and west Texas.  Leona Morgan, co-coordinator of the Albuquerque-based Nuclear Issues Study Group and a Diné activist, … Continue reading

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For 40 Years, Hollywood Has Tried To Kill Nuclear Power. Will It Finally Try To Save It? via Forbes

[…] “Madam Secretary” is fictional. It’s unlikely that Secretary Pompeo has ever said anything approaching, “climate change is the existential threat of our time.” And yet, in the course of just a few minutes, seven million viewers learned more accurate … Continue reading

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Nuclear disaster: Shocking photos reveal full horror of Fukushima plant via Express

JAW-dropping footage from the heart of the Fukushima nuclear disaster zone reveals the devastation inside its destroyed reactor. The scenes were captured by a camera attached to a 16-metre rod and inserted into reactor 2 at the doomed Japanese power … Continue reading

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