Tag Archives: Germany

German scientists to conduct nuclear fusion experiment via The Guardian

Angela Merkel to attend test in which team will heat hydrogen until it becomes plasma in bid for clean nuclear power Scientists in Germany are poised to conduct a nuclear fusion experiment they hope will advance the quest for a … Continue reading

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Belgium’s ageing nuclear plants worry neighbours via BBC News

Belgium’s neighbours have expressed alarm at its plans to extend the life of 40-year-old nuclear reactors, seen by critics as dangerous. Just across the border, the German city of Aachen and the Dutch city of Maastricht have announced they are … Continue reading

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Radioactive waste dogs Germany despite abandoning nuclear power via New Scientist

Major problems at a salt mine where 126,000 drums of radioactive debris are stored are fuelling public distrust of long-term waste disposal plans, reports Fred Pearce from Asse, Germany Half a kilometre beneath the forests of northern Germany, in an old … Continue reading

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German jibe at ‘dirty’ Swedish nuclear waste site via EU Observer

[…] Sweden is planning to store highly radioactive waste underneath the site of a nuclear plant in the coastal town of Forsmark, around 100 km north of Stockholm. Last year, Finland approved the construction of an underground repository at the … Continue reading

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Israel receives fifth German nuclear-capable submarine via Press TV

The Israeli regime has received of a fifth submarine from Germany, amid pressure on Berlin to halt the delivery of the state-of-the-art weaponrythat is capable of being armed with nuclear warheads. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday welcomed the delivery of … Continue reading

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Belgian nuclear plant’s reactor shuts down days after reboot via RT

Belgium’s Doel nuclear reactor went offline on Saturday, after it was restarted just three days ago, the plant’s spokesperson said. Meanwhile, Germany has stepped up criticism on operational safety of its neighbor’s aging nuclear facilities. Doel 1 nuclear reactor, located … Continue reading

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Belgium angers Germany with nuclear reactor restart via The Guardian

Belgium has restarted an ageing nuclear reactor after a nearly two-year shutdown, angering neighbouring Germany which fears the danger of a Fukushima-style meltdown. Power company Electrabel said it put the Tihange 2 reactor back online “in complete safety”. There had … Continue reading

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Minister signals German trust could handle nuclear waste storage via Reuters

Germany could share responsibility for phasing out nuclear power with energy firms by setting up a publicly managed trust, the environment minister said on Sunday. Barbara Hendricks’ comments to Deutschlandfunk radio follow calls by Germany’s top energy firms utilities on … Continue reading

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UPDATE 2-E.ON, RWE could drop lawsuits as part of nuclear decommissioning deal via Reuters

DUESSELDORF/FRANKFURT, Nov 23 E.ON and RWE, Germany’s biggest utilities, could drop multi-billion-euro lawsuits against Berlin’s move to shut nuclear power stations if they get a favourable deal on decommissioning costs, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters. Germany’s utilities … Continue reading

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Germany’s planned nuclear switch-off drives energy innovation via The Guardian

Hinkley Point will be the first nuclear power plant to be built in Europe since the meltdown of Japan’s Fukushima reactor in 2011. But while the British government sees nuclear energy as a safe and reliable source of power, Germany … Continue reading

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