Tag Archives: Germany

Nuclear waste shipment enters Germany via Associated Press

DANNENBERG, Germany (AP) — Demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails at police, setting a vehicle on fire, as skirmishes intensified Friday after a shipment of nuclear waste reprocessed in France crossed into Germany on its way to a controversial storage site. The … Continue reading

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Areva to cut 1,300 German nuke jobs via the Local

rance’s nuclear giant Areva will cut 1,300 jobs in Germany and close down two of its sites after Berlin’s decision to abandon nuclear energy, news weekly Der Spiegel reported on Sunday. VW workers set for record success bonus (21 Nov … Continue reading

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Germany’s nuclear phaseout was the right thing to do via grist

(Excerpt) Now let’s do a reality check on the grim “reality” that mugged the New Republic. First, the author claims that “electricity prices have risen for consumers, and it could cost the country’s four operators of nuclear plants more than … Continue reading

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German testing firm starts food radiation measuring service in Japan via The Mainichi Daily News

TOKYO (Kyodo) — The Japanese unit of Tuv Rheinland Group, a major German inspection and certification service provider, said Tuesday it has launched services to measure radioactive content in agricultural, dairy and food products. The new service examines samples sent … Continue reading

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RWE, EON Keep U.K. Reactor Spending After German Nuclear Ban via Bloomberg Businessweek

Oct. 4 (Bloomberg) — RWE AG and EON AG are pressing ahead with plans to build new reactors in the U.K. after the German government ordered the closure of nuclear plants at home. “We are still recruiting people and spending … Continue reading

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Germany Continues Exporting Electricity–Renewables Driving Down Power Prices–Despite Closing Reactors via Wind-Works.org

September 27, 2011 By Paul Gipe Recent data shows Germany continues to export electricity despite closing seven nuclear reactors. Meanwhile Bloomberg reports that continued renewable energy expansion in Germany is driving down power prices. Germany’s bureau of statistics reports that … Continue reading

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Siemens to quit nuclear industry via BBC News

German industrial and engineering conglomerate Siemens is to withdraw entirely from the nuclear industry. The move is a response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in March, chief executive Peter Loescher said. He told Spiegel magazine it was the … Continue reading

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Germany: won’t use nuclear plant as winter reserve via boston.com

August 31, 2011 BERLIN—The agency overseeing Germany’s electricity network has decided against ordering the reactivation of one of eight nuclear reactors, shut down earlier this year, as a contingency plan against possible winter power shortages. The government earlier this year … Continue reading

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Crossing the 20 Percent Mark Green Energy Use Jumps in Germany via Spiegel

During the first half of 2011, the share of renewable energy sources used by Germans in their total energy mix grew to one-fifth — a hefty boost over 2010. It’s a small step toward Germany’s ambition to phase out nuclear power. It … Continue reading

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Merry-glow-round: Theme park built in a nuclear reactor promises a fun-fuelled day via Daily Mail

By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 2:28 PM on 23rd August 2011 These extraordinary images show what could be the world’s most bizarre theme park – built around an abandoned nuclear power station. Wunderland near Kalkar, Germany, cleverly combines … Continue reading

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