Tag Archives: France

New Investigative Book Questions Safety of France’s Nuclear Power Plants via French Tribune

In a new book to be published today, investigative reporters Thierry Gadault and Hugues Demeude disclose major deficiencies in the condition of several large nuclear power plants in France. “Today, the question is no longer to know if a serious … Continue reading

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France accused of ‘nuclear racism’ over atomic tests via RNZ

French Polynesia’s pro-independence leader Oscar Temaru has accused France of nuclear racism for testing its nuclear weapons in the Pacific. Mr Temaru made the comment to Radio 1 in Tahiti at the presentation of his Tavini Huiraatira’s campaign programme for … Continue reading

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Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Program via Telesur

The fact that Israel possesses nuclear weapons is not in dispute, but how did it procure them and with whose help? Val Reynoso investigates. Israel’s nuclear-weapons program was initiated by the founding prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, who stated that … Continue reading

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French Greenpeace activists in court for breaking into nuclear plant via DW

[… Eight activists and the head of Greenpeace in France were in court on Wednesday for forcefully entering a nuclear power station in the village of Cattenom last October. A court in the eastern town of Thionville accuses the eight defendants … Continue reading

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France backtracks on promise to cut nuclear power reliance via The Local

The French government said Tuesday that it probably would not be able to keep its 2025 deadline for reducing the proportion of electricity generated from nuclear to 50 percent, an admission which angered ecologists. Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot admitted it … Continue reading

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France to decide by end 2018 how many nuclear plants to shut: minister via Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) – France will detail at the end of 2018 how many nuclear reactors will close to meet a target on reducing atomic energy, Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot told French daily Le Monde on Saturday. France aims to cut … Continue reading

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Protesters Broke Into a Nuclear Power Plant to Prove How Badly Defended It Is via Fortune

Greenpeace activists broke through two security barriers and launched fireworks inside the grounds of a French nuclear plant on Thursday to highlight the vulnerability of the plants to attacks. The environmentalist group issued video footage showing several of its members … Continue reading

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In Pictures: Jaitapur says a Resounding ‘Nako’ (No!) to French Nuclear Project via DiaNuke.ort

Thousands of men, women, and children from the farming, agro-trading, and fishing communities of Jaitapur in India’s picturesque Ratnagiri District in Maharashtra, today courted arrest en-masse, after a march from Sakhri Nate to Madban village – the site of the … Continue reading

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France’s EDF cuts output at two nuclear reactors due to heatwave via Reuters

PARIS, July 18 (Reuters) – French utility EDF cut output at two reactors at its Tricastin nuclear plant in southern France on Tuesday, due to scorching temperatures, to reduce the amount of heated water from the reactors’ cooling system flowing … Continue reading

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France could close ‘up to 17’ nuclear reactors by 2025 via France 24

Nicolas Hulot, France’s environment minister, announced on Monday that France could close “up to 17 nuclear reactors” by 2025. Hulot says the move aims to bring policy into line with a law on renewable energy that aims to reduce French … Continue reading

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