Tag Archives: EU

Britain to return as ‘serious nuclear nation’ via World Nuclear News

The UK government remains absolutely committed to new nuclear power. Without it the nation would be “darker and less prosperous,” said the energy minister today. Charles Hendry was speaking at the New Nuclear Build 2011 conference in London, taking the … Continue reading

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Should America Follow Europe’s Lead on Energy? via National Journal

By Amy Harder NationalJournal.com Germany announced in May it will stop using nuclear power, in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi disaster. The French Senate recently voted to ban hydraulic fracturing, a controversial way to extract natural gas. What lessons … Continue reading

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France Expands Nuclear Capabilities by Opening a Nuclear Institute via Celsias

Instead of abandoning nuclear power, France has opened a nuclear energy institute. France currently generates 78 percent of its electricity from nuclear power plants, the highest percentage in the world. Despite the 11 March nuclear debacle in Fukushima, Japan, France … Continue reading

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France includes nuclear power exit among options via Reuters

Fri Jul 8, 2011 8:42am EDT * France mulls full exit by 2040-2050, not govt’s choice * Option part of wider study on French future energy mix * Poll showed three quarters of French want full exit PARIS, July 8 … Continue reading

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Call for Chris Huhne to resign over Fukushima emails via guradian.co.uk

Former party chief executive in Scotland says Huhne must go over ‘conspiracy’ to protect nuclear industry Rob Edwards: Friday 1 July 2011 22.03 BST A prominent Liberal Democrat has called for Chris Huhne to resign immediately as energy and climate … Continue reading

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Statoils Judge reagerer på tysk atom-stopp via Aftenbladet.no

Den amerikansk-britiske juristen Barbara Judge, som ble valgt inn i Statoils styre i fjor høst, reagerer kraftig på Tysklands plutselige beslutning om utfasing av alle sine atomkraftverk innen 2022. Continue reading at Statoils Judge reagerer på tysk atom-stopp 日本語抄訳 (by … Continue reading

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仏で基準超は静岡・清水の茶葉 県、出荷自粛を要請 via asahi.com

フランスで静岡の緑茶から欧州連合(EU)の基準の2倍にあたる1キロ当たり1038ベクレルの放射性セシウムが検出された問題で、静岡県は22日、この茶葉は、静岡市清水区の庵原(いはら)地区で栽培された一番茶(製茶)だったと発表した。厚生労働省横浜検疫所で同じ茶葉の国内在庫分を県が検査したところ、1キロ当たり981ベクレルを検出した。  清水区の茶は「清水のお茶」の名で流通している。  同県経済産業部によると、基準を超えた茶葉は庵原地区の農家が栽培し、荒茶の段階で同県御前崎市の茶商工業者に出荷。業者が製茶に仕上げて輸出したもの。検査結果を受けて、県は農家と業者に出荷自粛を要請し、さらに農家には自家で製茶に仕上げて国内で販売した約150キロの自主回収も要請した。 仏で基準超は静岡・清水の茶葉 県、出荷自粛を要請

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Germany to phase out nuclear power. Could the US do the same? via The Christian Science Monitor

In their White House press conference Tuesday, President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel stood together on topics ranging from the global economy to Libya. Yet last week, Chancellor Merkel parted ways with the US on what had been a shared vision of how to … Continue reading

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Nuclear Power Loses its Shine in a Sustainable Energy Future via GreenBiz.com

In the aftermath of the Fukushima crisis, a majority of sustainability experts around the world now say that nuclear power isn’t essential to a low-carbon energy future, research released today shows. Early indications are that the market may well share … Continue reading

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Why is the United States so obsessed with nuclear power? via Grist

This is part one in a series on the United States’ nuclear obsession. Read part two. After the nuclear catastrophe of Fukushima, as a German living in the U.S., I often get asked these days: What’s going on in Germany with … Continue reading

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