Tag Archives: EU

Tennessee Awaits Tons Of German Nuclear Waste via NPR

July 22, 2011 from WUOTThe city of Oak Ridge, Tenn., is anticipating the arrival of nearly 1,000 tons of nuclear waste from Germany. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved a plan in June for an American company to import and burn … Continue reading

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América Latina y la energía nuclear: “no habrá Fukushima que les haga dar un paso atrás” via DW-World.DE

ukushima fue la gota que desbordó el vaso y Alemania decidió apagar todas sus centrales nucleares de aquí al año 2022. ¿Un ejemplo a seguir en América Latina, en donde la energía atómica va más bien al alza?   Alemania … Continue reading

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New Problems in Olkiluoto via Greenpeace

EPR nuclear reactor faces serious problems Publication – July 21, 2011 The first-of-a-kind EPR-type nuclear reactor that French nuclear company Areva is building in the Finnish municipality of Eurajoki has encountered serious problems during all phases of design and construction. … Continue reading

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EDF admits French nuclear reactor delayed but says UK projects on target via guardian.co.uk

• Flamanville reactor four years late and billions over budget • EDF says no reason to expect similar problems with UK plants EDF has admitted to delays with the nuclear reactor it is building in France but says its UK … Continue reading

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Lithuania Wins on Germany’s Nuclear Exit With Hitachi Offer via Bloomberg

By Milda Seputyte – Jul 15, 2011 2:49 AM CT Lithuania may have won an “attractive proposal” from Hitachi Ltd. (6501) to build a nuclear power plant because of Germany’s decision to give up atomic energy, said DnB Nord Bank … Continue reading

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France Doubles Down on Nuclear Power via ieee spectrum

OSTED BY: Dave Levitan This is part of IEEE Spectrum‘s ongoing coverage of Japan’s earthquake and nuclear emergency. For more details on how Fukushima Dai-1’s nuclear reactors work and what has gone wrong so far, see our explainer. French president Nicolas … Continue reading

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Une “énergie nouvelle” à la tête de Libération : Anne Lauvergeon dite Atomic Anne via Poliis fr.

par Claude-Marie Vadrot Les responsables de la gestion de Libération ne savent vraiment plus à quels saints se vouer pour donner dans quelques jours la présidence de son conseil de surveillance à Anne Lauvergeon, connue aux Etats Unis sous le … Continue reading

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New EU rules for nuclear waste open the door to dumping in Russia via Greenpeace

European countries obliged to develop plans to address waste problem Press release – July 19, 2011 European countries today agreed to develop plans to address the ever-growing problem of nuclear waste. However, the EU also agreed to continue the dangerous … Continue reading

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German energy study offers framework for Japanese policy chaos via The Japan Times online

Pure chaos is reigning over Japanese energy policy and the future of its nuclear power industry. Just after trade minister Banri Kaieda declared the nation’s nuclear power stations safe to restart late last month, Prime Minister Naoto Kan suddenly ordered … Continue reading

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Childhood Cancer No Higher in Vicinity of Nuclear Power Plants, Swiss Study Suggests via Science Daily

ScienceDaily (July 12, 2011) — A large nationwide longitudinal study found no evidence of an increased risk of cancer in children born near nuclear power plants in Switzerland. The CANUPIS study was performed by the Institute of Social and Preventive … Continue reading

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