Tag Archives: EU

Belgium Abandon Nuclear Energy From 2015 via Newish info.

Negotiators working on the formation of a new Belgian federal government reached an agreement for the country to abandon nuclear energy from 2015, said Friday night the evening Le Soir in its online edition. The representatives of the six parties … Continue reading

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In Quest for Power, Nuclear Is a Disunifying Force via The New York Times

BRUSSELS — Pooling energy — in the form of coal — was a foundation for European unity in the early 1950s. But in their quest for energy security and low-carbon growth, members of the present-day European Union seem anything but unified. The … Continue reading

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France still sees nuclear appetite post-Fukushima via Reuters

(Reuters) – France still plans to build a 60th nuclear reactor at home despite delays and is eyeing a raft of possible deals for atomic power plants in Europe and emerging countries, French Energy Minister Eric Besson told Reuters on Monday. … Continue reading

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‘Leak risk after explosion at French nuclear plant’ via BBC News

There is a risk of a radioactive leak after a blast at the southern French nuclear plant of Marcoule, media reports say. One person was killed and three were injured in the explosion, following a fire in a storage site … Continue reading

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Explosion rocks French nuclear plant via CBS News

PARIS – The French nuclear safety body and local authorities say an explosion has rocked the Marcoule nuclear plant in southern France. It was not immediately clear how serious the accident was. Regional fire officials tell French daily Le Monde … Continue reading

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GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Expands Workforce Training Collaboration with Poland via Nuclear Street

GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Krakow-based engineering school AGH University of Science and Technology to collaborate in the training of a skilled nuclear engineering workforce that will be needed to help develop … Continue reading

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Bellona reporter and nuclear physicist arrested during anti-nuclear protest in Finland via Bellona

NEAR THE OLKILUOTO NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, Finland – Andrei Ozharovsky, a nuclear physicist and a Bellona expert who writes regularly for Bellona’s Russian website was detained by the Finnish police on August 20 together with 50 other participants of a … Continue reading

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More power to us if we choose nuclear option via Irishtimes.com

OPINION: Instead of seeking partners to exploit hoped-for offshore fossil fuel resources, Ireland should consider building some medium-sized nuclear plants, writes JOHN GIBBONS LAST MARCH, shortly after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Fintan O’Toole memorably described a nuclear power station as … Continue reading

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The End of the Nuclear Era? Not So Fast … via Common Dreams.org

by Sandy LeonVest (excerpts) Less widely reported is that, even as Germany, Japan and a handful of other countries — among them, Italy, Switzerland and some ASEAN member states — are rejecting or at least reconsidering their commitments to nuclear … Continue reading

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Japanese Goalie Shaken by Fukushima Chants via Japan Realtime (WSJ)

Jeering at soccer games is as expected as silence at opera performances. But derisive chants from opposing fans towards Eiji Kawashima at a Belgian soccer match over the weekend reached a low for the goalkeeper, a regular in Japan’s national … Continue reading

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