Tag Archives: Command and Control

Apocalyptic Climate Reporting Completely Misses the Point via The Nation

By Daniel Aldana Cohen Are we doomed? It’s the most common thing people ask me when they learn that I study climate politics. Fair enough. The science is grim, as the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just … Continue reading

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A Trump presidency and corollary risks of nuclear war via The Jerusalem Post

[…] Let me be more precise. After four years at Princeton in the late 1960s, long an intellectual center of American nuclear strategic thought, I began to think about offering a suitably authoritative addition to the vital literatures of first-generation … Continue reading

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Government should eliminate, not modernize, nuclear arsenal via The Buffalo News

Cheating on required monthly exams, low morale and security lapses are all problems that have been cited in missile facilities across the United States. At the third Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons Conference held in Vienna, Austria, last month, Eric … Continue reading

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Eric Schlosser: ‘The people who are most anti-nuclear are the ones who know most about it’ via The Guardian

The American author tells Ed Pilkington about his six-year all-out immersion in the terrifying and surreal world of nuclear weapons for his latest book, Command and Control In the autumn of 1999 Eric Schlosser was invited to Vandenberg Air Force base in California … Continue reading

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