Tag Archives: Belarus

Lithuanian conservatives collect almost 65,000 signatures against Astravyets N-plant via The Baltic Times

The conservative Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats claims to have collected nearly 65,000 signatures of the nation’s citizens supporting an initiative against the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Astravyets. The conservatives’ bill, which aims to prohibit the sale of electricity generated … Continue reading

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Exiled scientist: ‘Chernobyl is not finished, it has only just begun’ via USA Today

Yury Bandazhevsky, 59, was the first scientist in Belarus to establish an institute to study Chernobyl’s impact on people’s health, particularly children, near the city of Gomel, about 120 miles over the border from Ukraine. He was arrested in Belarus … Continue reading

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Belarus ignoring risks of farming near Chernobyl? via CBS News

[…] “We have a disaster,” he told the AP in the Ukraine capital, Kiev. “In Belarus, there is no protection of the population from radiation exposure. On the contrary, the government is trying to persuade people not to pay attention … Continue reading

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On-the-job training for Belarusian students at Smolensk nuclear power plant via Belarus News

MINSK, 18 February (BelTA) – Fifth-year students of the Energy Department of the Belarusian National Technical University are going through undergraduate training at the Smolensk nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from the Information and Public Relations Department of the Smolensk … Continue reading

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【event】Little Voices from Fukushima via the Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago

A screening and discussion with director Hitomi Kamanaka Wednesday, October 7, 7-10 p.m. The Franke Institute for the Humanities (in the Regenstein Library) 1100 East 57th Street, JRL S-102 Chicago, IL 60637 Refreshments will be provided The event is free … Continue reading

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Filmmakers Ash and Kamanaka discuss radiation, secrets and lives via The Japan Times

Dreux Richard Ian Thomas Ash and Hitomi Kamanaka are perhaps the two most widely viewed filmmakers who have produced documentaries about the effects of radioactivity in Fukushima since the March 11, 2011, disaster. Ash’s commitment to the subject arose after … Continue reading

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KJ 81 preview: filmmaker and activist Kamanaka Hitomi via Kyoto Journal

‘Little Voices From Fukushima’ bridges time and space between Chernobyl and Japan However pitched her debate of choice may be, and however culturally freighted its most contemporary iteration has become in Japan, Kamanaka’s films persist in asking a particular question: … Continue reading

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チェルノブイリ原発の対応紹介 ベラルーシ大使が講演 via 福島民友

駐日ベラルーシ共和国特命全権大使のセルゲイ・ラフマノフさんを招いた講演会が14日、福島市で開かれ、チェルノブイリ原発事故後の同国の対応などについてラフマノフさんが説明した。NPO法人「結」の主催。 (略) 市民ら約80人が来場。ラフマノフさんは画像を交えながら講演。「ベラルーシでは原発事故後、軍隊が除染を行った」と話し、政府が原発事故についての正 確な情報を開示しているなどと紹介した。さらに、同国の都市と福島市の姉妹都市締結、両都市の子ども同士の交流促進を提言した。 全文はチェルノブイリ原発の対応紹介 ベラルーシ大使が講演

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Lithuania urges Belarus to comply with nuclear safety regulations via The Baltic Course

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania has urged Belarus to comply strictly with international nuclear safety and environmental regulations while developing its nuclear energy sector. Next, to adequately implement provisions of the United Nations Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment … Continue reading

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Nuclear activists jailed in Belarus for protesting deal with Russia via Greenpeace

One of the few remaining countries that claims the nuclear renaissance is real is Russia.The renaissance is not so real at home, where the number of planned nuclear power stations always looks impressive, but actual construction slows down. So, Russia … Continue reading

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