Tag Archives: anti-nuclear

Writers urge Kyushu Electric to shut down nuclear plant via The Asahi Shimbun

Citing days of continued earthquake activity, a group of writers and journalists on April 16 asked Kyushu Electric Power Co. to immediatley suspend operations at its Sendai nuclear power plant in Kagoshima Prefecture. Among those seeking the shutdown of the … Continue reading

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National High court upholds ruling endorsing restarts of Sendai reactors via The Japan Times

A high court on Wednesday rejected an appeal by local residents against a ruling last year allowing the restart of two reactors at a nuclear power plant in Kagoshima Prefecture. The Fukuoka High Court’s Miyazaki branch ruled that “it cannot … Continue reading

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Japan: Anti-nuclear activists protest PM Abe’s energy plan in Tokyo via One News Page

An estimated 30,000 anti-nuclear activists attended a rally in Tokyo’s Yoyogi Park, Friday, to protest against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s plan to reopen a number of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Many of Japan’s nuclear plants were taken offline by authorities following … Continue reading

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Shut old nuclear reactors, says unprecedented alliance of EU cities via The Guardian

Communities and campaigners in Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg lobby for closure of two ageing 40-year old Belgian nuclear reactors close to borders An unprecedented alliance of 30 major cities and districts from three countries has joined forces to try … Continue reading

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Two-thirds of local gov’t heads seek reduction of nuclear power via Kyodo News

About two-thirds of heads of prefectural, city, ward, town and village governments across Japan called on the country to reduce its reliance on nuclear power generation or scrap it altogether, a Kyodo News survey showed Sunday. In the survey about … Continue reading

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Climate protection through nuclear power plants? Hardly via The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

[…] From a systemic perspective, nuclear power plants are by no means free of carbon dioxide emissions. Today, they produce up to one third of the greenhouse gases that large modern gas power plants produce. Carbon dioxide emissions connected to … Continue reading

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Over 70% of Japanese Against Nuclear Power Plants After Fukushima Tragedy via Sputnik

Over 70 percent of the Japanese are in favor of completely or partially abandoning the use of nuclear power plants (NPP) in the country after the Fukushima disaster, a poll revealed Thursday. TOKYO (Sputnik) — According to Japan’s NHK broadcaster that conducted … Continue reading

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Leading anti-nuclear power researcher announces retirement via The Mainichi

Tetsuji Imanaka, the only remaining member of the “Kumatori 6” — a group of researchers at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute whose work has focused upon the dangers of nuclear power — will retire at the end of March, … Continue reading

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Anti-Nuclear February: Exhibits & Talks at the Central Square Library via Massachusetts Peace Action

February 1 @ 8:00 am – February 29 @ 5:00 pm Mass. Peace Action, American Friends Service Committee, and the Cambridge Public Library (Central Square Branch) are joining hands to bring you a February full of anti-nuclear exhibits and talks! The … Continue reading

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被災地へ 届け ロシアの声 (17)スヴェトラーナ・アレクシエーヴィチ via 沼野恭子研究室

numano 日時: 2011年4月22日 23:20  ベラルーシのロシア語作家スヴェトラーナ・アレクシエーヴィチ(1948年生れ)。 旧ソ連・ロシア社会の抱える問題を取りあげ、人々から得た貴重な証言である「生の声」をもとにルポルタージュを書いてきた、いわゆるノンフィクション作家である。 第二次世界大戦、アフガニスタン戦争、チェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故、自殺等々さまざまな社会問題に果敢に取り組んできた。チェルノブイリ原発事故に関しては以下の邦訳がある。 『チェルノブイリの祈り――未来の物語』 松本妙子訳(岩波書店、1998) この度、三浦みどりさんを通じてアレクシエーヴィチに福島第一原発の事故について寄稿を依頼したところ、以下の文章を送ってくださった。この場をお借りしてお礼を申しあげたい。 チェルノブイリについて深く考えつづけてきたアレクシエーヴィチの声に、私たちは今こそ耳を傾けるべきではないだろうか。 ちなみに、今回の事故を契機に、『チェルノブイリの祈り』の改訂版がまもなく出版されるとのことだ。 =================== Чернобыль-Фукусима Маленькая великая Япония… У меня, как и у миллионов людей в мире, день начинается с того, что я включаю компьютер: что там? Благодаря новым средствам коммуникации … Continue reading

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