Lawmakers seek data on sailors’ exposure to Fukushima radiation via the Navy Times

House and Senate lawmakers want answers on whether U.S. sailors received high doses of radiation while supporting humanitarian operations in Japan following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

In the fiscal 2014 omnibus budget bill, lawmakers direct Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Dr. Jonathan Woodson to provide Congress a full accounting of those who served on the carrier Ronald Reagan during the operation and any medical problems they later developed.[…]
Officials have said that the Fukushima leaks were not a threat to health. They have said that, at least for the ground troops who served in the operation, the radiation doses they received were three times lower than those absorbed by an airline flight crew during a typical cross-country trip.

According to the Navy, the worst-case radiation exposure for Ronald Reagan crew members was less than a quarter of the annual radiation received from background exposure such as from rocks, sun and soil, of the average individual living in the U.S.

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◇See US Navy Sailors Sue Tepco; A Lasting Legacy of the Fukushima Rescue Mission

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