Women’s Declaration for Breaking with Nuclear Power via The Women’s Group for Breaking with Nuclear Power

English translation of the Women’s Declaration for Breaking with Nuclear Power, by The Women’s Group for Breaking with Nuclear Power 
(Translated by Travis Craft)


Women’s Declaration for Breaking with Nuclear Power

Because of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident that was caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, many people were driven from their homes, their livelihoods destroyed, and their future prospects lost. Nuclear power plants were pushed onto rural areas struggling financially in order to fulfill urban demand for electricity. From the earliest planning stages, the risk of accidents has been pointed out. There is, moreover, no way to dispose of nuclear waste. Despite this, in their wish to promote nuclear power, the government and electric companies have spread the “myth of safety,” thus deceiving the citizenry. The Fukushima power plant accident is the consequence.

The proponents of nuclear power plants say, “Without nuclear power, the Japanese economy cannot hold together.” Is this in fact the case? There have been preliminary calculations showing that there would be sufficient electricity even if there were no nuclear plants. By promoting natural energy sources, it may be possible to create even more electricity.

For this small, earthquake prone country to have 54 reactors packed into 17 locations is dangerous. This situation is the symbol of the values of a male dominated society, which considers the pursuit of profit to be of the greatest value. In Japan—which was attacked by atomic bombs—it was women who stood up to collect signatures for antinuclear petitions and became the motivating force for spreading the message to abolish nuclear weapons worldwide. We hope, that the power of women will once again demonstrate new values and realize a society that does not depend on nuclear power.

We cannot leave future generations with dangerous soil, water, and air. We have gathered here today in order to make the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident the last atomic disaster for humankind. We hereby declare our absolute refusal to bequeath to future generations lives to be lived in fear of radiation.

We do not need nuclear power plants.

November 23rd, 2011
11.23 Kick off! All those in participation of “The Women’s Group for Breaking with Nuclear Power”

Original Japanese version of the Declaration could be found at by 「女たちの脱原発宣言」脱原発をめざす女たちの会

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