【Call for action】Protest Japanese Prime Minister Noda’s decision to re-start Ohi atomic reactors via Beyond Nuclear

The Japanese grassroots anti-nuclear movement (Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, FoE Japan, Green Action, No Nukes Asia Forum, Peace Boat, and Shut Tomari) has called upon international allies to rally at Japanese embassies/consulates, and/or send messages of protest to Japanese Prime Minister Noda, for his decision to re-start the first of 50 idled atomic reactors, beginning at Ohi nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture. Noda has not learned the lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe, so powerfully communicated by women survivors from Fukushima Prefecture. The latest news is that the approval decisions, and the actual re-start of the reactors at Ohi, could very well happen in the next few days.

The call to action requests supporters, in the next several days, to assemble, peacefully and respectfully, in front of Japanese embassies/consulates (see a list of Japanese consulates and embassies across the U.S., and the rest of the world); to submit a letter of protest (sample language provided) addressed to Prime Minister Noda, via the Japanese Ambassador in your country; to seek media coverage of your actions; and to report back to Japanese organizers so they can reinforce your message to the Japanese government (via email to Aileen Mioko Smith at Green Action Japan, amsmith@gol.com).

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