Tag Archives: U.S.

GOP preserves Yucca Mountain as nuclear waste storage site via Washington Examiner

Nevada Democrats failed Wednesday night to remove language from the House fiscal 2018 spending bill that would prohibit the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in their state from being closed. […] The Obama administration attempted to close the facility, but … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s secretary of energy, Rick Perry, once campaigned to abolish the $30 billion agency that he now runs, which oversees everything from our nuclear arsenal to the electrical grid. The department’s budget is now on the chopping block. But … Continue reading

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Canada needs to embrace peace and sign nuclear ban treaty via The Star

A survivor of the Hiroshima bombing feels betrayed by Canada and Japan for not joining 122 other countries that voted to adopt the text of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. By SETSUKO THURLOW I am still rejoicing. … Continue reading

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Air Force chief objects to Yucca Mountain nuclear routes via Las Vegas Review Journal

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson sees a need to protect the space frontier and envisions bolstering the ranks of drone warfare all while preserving the vast Southern Nevada range that shrinks as fighter jets zip faster across it. What she … Continue reading

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Feds Say FPL Can Store Nuclear Waste Below Miami’s Drinking Water Because It’s “Not Likely” to Leak via Miami New Times

Florida Power & Light’s Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station is already leaking dangerous salt water into the aquifers that are Miami’s largest source of drinking water. Despite that alarming fact, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently ruled that FPL can … Continue reading

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The U.S. Tested 67 Nuclear Bombs in Their Country. Now They’re Dying in Oklahoma via Narratively

After a series of military experiments devastated their homeland, Marshall Islands residents were permitted to immigrate to the U.S. But they didn’t know their American dream came with a catch. […] To Mote (pronounced “mo-tay”), a hundred miles isn’t so … Continue reading

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Chicago park will finally be cleansed of radioactive waste via Archpaper

Chicago has a bit of a thorium problem. The radioactive element, once heavily used in the making of gas light mantels, can now be found in contaminated superfund sites across the city. One of those sites also happens to be the … Continue reading

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India, Japan civil nuclear deal comes into force via The Hindu

Tie-up to ensure energy security and clean power  The landmark India-Japan civil nuclear agreement came into force on Thursday. Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar exchanged the diplomatic notes with the Japanese envoy to India to formalise the completion of the process.  … Continue reading

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Grounded Podcast: Hanford’s Dream of the 90s via Oregon Department of Energy

For more than 40 years, the Hanford Nuclear Site near Richland, Washington produced plutonium for America’s nuclear weapons program. The once top-secret Manhattan Project site ended production in 1989. When the focus at Hanford shifted to cleanup in the early … Continue reading

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Illinois Issues: The Prairie State’s Nuclear Waste Conundrum via NPR Illinois

The Land of Lincoln is the country’s largest de facto nuclear waste dump. Under a federal measure passed 30 years ago, the spent fuel from America’s nuclear reactors is supposed to be permanently buried out in the Mojave Desert, tucked … Continue reading

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