Tag Archives: Taiwan

Taiwan reveals new plans to send nuclear waste abroad via The Japan Times

OCT 15, 2014 TAIPEI – Taiwan on Tuesday unveiled plans to process nuclear waste abroad for the first time as its power plants approach capacity — but environment groups slammed the proposal as “too risky.” The government is under growing … Continue reading

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Nuclear power is not the best option: Brundtland via Taipei Times

Former Norwegian prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, the winner of the first Tang Prize in Sustainable Development, on Friday said that nuclear power is not her preferred source of new energy due to the complexities involved. Brundtland, who chaired the … Continue reading

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MOFA maintains Fukushima travel alert via The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan still maintains the highest-level travel alert for Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture, meaning that any travel to the potentially radiation-affected area should be avoided, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said yesterday. Three years after the Fukushima Dai-ichi … Continue reading

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Source confirms that first lady may visit Fukushima via The Taipei Times

First lady Chow Mei-ching (周美青) may visit Fukushima during a trip to Japan next month to preside over the opening of the Tokyo exhibition of National Palace Museum artifacts, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs source said yesterday. […] When Chow … Continue reading

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Protesters Face Water Cannons to Bring Halt to Nuclear Plant via Common Dreams

Police in Taiwan shot water cannons on anti-nuclear protesters Monday following a weekend in which the power of throngs of demonstrators brought the construction of a controversial plant to a halt. On Sunday as many as 50,000 protesters poured into … Continue reading

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Taiwan to freeze nuclear plant construction pending referendum via Global Post

Bowing to widespread antinuclear sentiment, the Taiwan government said Sunday it will freeze construction of a fourth nuclear plant pending endorsement of the project by voters in a national referendum. The move came as tens of thousands of people marched … Continue reading

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Taiwan leader promises referendum on disputed nuclear plant via Channel NewsAsia

Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou on Friday promised to let the public decide the fate of a controversial nuclear facility amid growing concern over the safety of nuclear power. TAIPEI: Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou on Friday promised to let the public … Continue reading

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Taiwan anti-nuclear activist starts hunger strike via New Straits Times

TAIPEI: Former Taiwanese opposition leader and anti-nuclear activist Lin Yi-hsiung Tuesday launched an indefinite hunger strike in protest at a nearly completed nuclear facility, while some of his supporters clashed with police. “It’s very meaningful to be doing something good … Continue reading

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Le réveil anti-nucléaire à Taïwan via RFI

Direction l’île des Orchidées au large de Taïwan. Une île où vivent 4000 habitants, dont plus de la moitié appartiennent à la tribu aborigène Tao, qui y vit depuis des générations. Depuis trente ans, ils luttent contre un site de … Continue reading

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Activists [in Taiwan] preparing to sue Fukushima nuclear plant suppliers via The China Post

TAIPEI — Anti-nuclear activists from Taiwan and Japan are calling for participation in a proposed international group lawsuit against the equipment suppliers of a Japanese nuclear plant that suffered meltdowns in a 2011 earthquake-tsunami catastrophe, in an effort to highlight … Continue reading

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