Tag Archives: Safety

Japan asks PH to lift ban on Fukushima products via Manila Bulletin

The Japanese government is asking the Philippines to lift the restrictions it imposed on the importation of agricultural and other food products coming from areas affected by the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown. Mitsuhiro Miyakoshi, Special Advisor to Prime Minister … Continue reading

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Hong Kong should ease post-Fukushima ban on some Japanese food imports, government says via South China Morning Post

Centre for Food Safety plans to resume imports of fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy from four prefectures neighbouring stricken area, as long as they pass radiation tests Hong Kong should relax a ban on food imported from Japan which has … Continue reading

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Congress works to revive long-delayed plan to store nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain via USA Today

WASHINGTON – The federal government’s dormant plan to store nuclear waste in Nevada’s Yucca Mountain is showing signs of life amid a new push by the Trump administration and some members of Congress to revive the long-delayed project. But opponents, including … Continue reading

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Guarded nuclear shipment to secretly depart Sydney via SBS News

Any day now a decade’s worth of heavily guarded nuclear cargo will be secretly transported through Sydney’s streets and sent to France for reprocessing. […] The radioactive cargo is set to be shipped to La Hague, in France, but details … Continue reading

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On the 20th anniversary of the 1998 nuclear tests by India and Pakistan via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

May 2018 marked the 20th anniversary of the nuclear weapon tests by India and Pakistan. Over these past two decades, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has covered the growing nuclear programs of the two countries and the profound risks … Continue reading

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How General Atomics Developed Its Revolutionary Nuclear Fuel Solution via Power

The U.S. is pouring funding into developing new fuel technology for advanced nuclear reactors in a bid to help the flagging industry. On April 27, it awarded General Atomics (GA) $3.2 million for two projects that the San Diego, California-based … Continue reading

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Fukushima tells world radiation is down, exports up after nuclear crisis via The Japan Times

NEW YORK – Fukushima Gov. Masao Uchibori on Wednesday told the international community that the nuclear-crisis-hit prefecture is mostly decontaminated and that its food exports are picking up. […] The governor also said the size of evacuation zones has dropped … Continue reading

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20 Years After Pokhran-II: Have Nuclear Weapons Made India More Secure? via The Diplomat

20 years later, what are the effects of India’s nuclear weapons on South Asia’s security environment? […] Twenty years later, it is worth asking: have nuclear weapons made India more secure? We attempt to answer this question by assessing India’s … Continue reading

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The 60-Year Downfall of Nuclear Power in the U.S. Has Left a Huge Mess via The Atlantic

The demand for atomic energy is in decline. But before the country can abandon its plants, there’s six decades of waste to deal with. It was just another day in the life of the defunct Hanford nuclear site, a remote … Continue reading

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With no permanent repository for commercial nuclear waste, NM is in the spotlight via NM Political Report

Over the past two decades, southeastern New Mexico has embraced an industry many other communities throughout the country have rejected. Following more than 20 years of proposals, studies and battles, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) opened near Carlsbad in … Continue reading

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