Tag Archives: nuclear waste

South Korea to pick spent nuclear fuel site by 2028, eyes overseas storage via Reuters

[…] South Korea is the world’s fifth-biggest user of nuclear power, which accounts about a third of the country’s electricity, but it has yet to find a permanent solution for its spent nuclear fuel. A government advisory body said last … Continue reading

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VOX POPULI: There’s no end to Fukushima crisis while melted fuel remains via The Asahi Shimbun

A massive concrete structure encases the wrecked No. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, site of the catastrophic 1986 accident. Dubbed the “sarcophagus,” it was erected to contain the fuel that could not be extracted from the crippled … Continue reading

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Focus: Why San Onofre’s nuclear waste stays on the beach via The San Diego Union Tribune

Policy stalemate leaves toxic spent fuel stranded Some 3.6 million pounds of nuclear waste at the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is all stored up with no place to go. The plant has not produced electricity since January 2012 … Continue reading

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‘The graveyard of the Earth’: inside City 40, Russia’s deadly nuclear secret via the Guardian

Ozersk, codenamed City 40, was the birthplace of the Soviet nuclear weapons programme. Now it is one of the most contaminated places on the planet – so why do so many residents still view it as a fenced-in paradise? […] … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste: keep out for 100,000 years via Financial Times

Nuclear agencies are searching for the signs, language and solutions that will warn our descendants to stay away We are in a red metal cage bumping slowly down a mineshaft to our destination, half a kilometre under the ground near … Continue reading

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House bill would compensate Zion for storage of ‘stranded’ nuclear waste via The Chicago Tribune

US Rep. Bob Dold, R-Ill., has introduced a bill that would compensate Zion and other communities that have served as storage facilities for nuclear waste. Exelon’s Zion Nuclear Power Station has housed about 1,020 metric tons of used nuclear fuel … Continue reading

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Who will pay for decommissioning the Fukushima reactors? via Nikkei Asian Review

TOKYO — Energy policy was not high on the agenda in Sunday’s upper house election in Japan, in which the ruling Liberal Democratic Party consolidated its power. But Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Japanese people and the country’s power companies … Continue reading

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Nuclear royal commission: Citizens’ jury questions safety concerns surrounding dump proposal via ABC

A grassroots report into a proposal to build a high-level nuclear waste dump in South Australia has identified safety as a major concern. The report by a citizens’ jury of 50 randomly selected South Australians also found “significant additional research” … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste from scrapped Plymouth subs to be sent up country via The Herald

[…] Radioactive fuel cells on a dozen disused nuclear submarines languishing in Plymouth are to be removed and taken to a site in the North of England for storage and eventual disposal. The Ministry of Defence yesterday revealed the fate … Continue reading

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Germany may not see proper nuclear waste storage for decades via DW

The Germany government has already begun procedures to shut down all of the country’s nuclear reactors. A committee called to make a plan for the country’s nuclear waste problem has said it may take until next century. […] The first … Continue reading

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