Tag Archives: nuclear waste

Editorial There’s no great answer for nuclear waste, but almost anything is better than perching it on the Pacific via Los Angeles Times

One of the great failures in U.S. energy policy was that we’ve never figured out what to do with the lethally radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants. That’s why the owners of the decommissioned San Onofre nuclear plant have … Continue reading

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CSI: Nuclear via Forbes

[…] Whether it’s a nuclear weapon, a radiological dispersion device (RDD or dirty bomb) or a radiation exposure device (RED), they all involve radioactive materials that emit radiation at some point in their life history. It’s this radiation, or the … Continue reading

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福島県外の除染土処分議論 検討チームが初会合 via 日本経済新聞

環境省は4日、東京電力福島第1原子力発電所事故に伴う福島県以外の東北・関東地方の除染で生じた土の処分方法を議論するために、有識者による検討チームの初会合を都内で開いた。 (略) 国は岩手、宮城、茨城、栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉の7県の計56市町村について、国の財政支援で除染する「汚染状況重点調査地域」に指定。除染は終了したが、土の処分先が決まらず現場で一時保管が続いている。 公園や学校などの除染現場や仮置き場で保管している除染土は、今年3月末時点で計約33万立方メートルに上る。〔共同〕 全文は福島県外の除染土処分議論 検討チームが初会合

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EPA updates public on cleanup plans for West Lake Landfill via St. Louis Post-Dispatch

[…] The EPA originally aimed to have a decision on a cleanup plan for the radiologically contaminated site identified by the end of 2016. On Thursday, EPA officials, joined in Bridgeton by representatives of other state and federal agencies involved … Continue reading

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Fukushima from Within via The New York Review of Books

Kazuto Tatsuta’s Ichi-F: A Worker’s Graphic Memoir of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant occupies a unique position in the history of comics. It is probably the first work of journalistic comics in the world to supersede its prose counterparts as … Continue reading

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Removal of nuclear fuel from Fukushima plant to proceed as planned via Nikkei Asian Review

Work to begin in 2021 to remove highly radioactive debris from disabled reactors TOKYO — Work to remove melted nuclear fuel from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will proceed as scheduled, starting in 2021, the government said Thursday. According to … Continue reading

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Nuclear worker documentary returns to theaters in CSRA via Aiken Standard

A documentary highlighting workers in the nuclear industry is returning to the CSRA. The award-winning documentary “The Safe Side of the Fence” will be on the big screen next week at the Regal Aiken Mall 8 and at the Regal … Continue reading

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Nuclear Waste: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) via Youtube

Nuclear waste poses a serious threat to public health if it’s not stored in a safe place. John Oliver explains why the United States desperately needs to build a metaphorical toilet for all that waste. Watch the video at Nuclear Waste: … Continue reading

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Highly radioactive water leak at Fukushima No. 1 nuke plant via The Mainichi

Highly radioactive water has leaked from the disaster-crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) announced on Aug. 17. The estimated 50 milliliters of contaminated water remained inside the station dike, and there was no leakage to … Continue reading

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Kyrgyzstan ratifies remediation agreement via World Nuclear News

All the basic conditions are now in place for remediation work to begin at several uranium legacy sites in Kyrgyzstan after the country ratified a framework agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The European Union is … Continue reading

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